Quote: "Just keep an open mind or in this case an ear."
The voice inside my head - My Avatar
The voice inside my head - My Avatar
The voice you hear inside your head is normal.
It is your avatar speaking.
Everyone has an avatar.
So, go ahead and make contact with your avatar.
Beware of voices that tell you to do harm to you or another.
Use your avatar sense and don't listen to them.
Your avatar always has your best interest.
You and your avatar need to work together as a team throughout your daily life.
Question, explore, and learn how the human and avatar worlds team together.
There is no need to be afraid, your best friend is always with you.
About me:
A little bit about me, I have heard my avatar for the last 26 years. I have learned the technical side of the avatar world in the last four years. I guess it is time we share. So here we go...
2016 April 16 - Cleaned up grammar.
2017 June 4 added table link
2017 June 4 added table link
2020 September 19 - I decided to do a web page instead of a table of contents.
2021 August 27 - took down link to table.
2023 May 2 - took down web info, updated years,