Friday, July 26, 2024

The task is not complete: Taking down American Fascism

 "What an excellent team!" Donny  

The above pic came from here.

It was no miracle the gunman missed. Donny is not done with his task: taking down American Fascism. He can't go yet until he has complete that task. Though he seemed unaware of the up coming shooting. My team went and visited his team on Venus in their emotional fallout shelter. We showed Donny, Donald Trump's soul parent, the timeline model. He debated about whether or not he should be hit. Ibol made it clear that a hard end was necessary in order to avoid corruption of the changed timeline. Therefore he needs to be injured, ever so slightly. A simple turn of the head would suffice. 
When the event came up, my team sat with Donny, in his shelter, telling him when to put his head in the viewing stand and when to turn his head.  

There you go. Donny is back on track to take down fascism. 
One way to tell if Donny is doing avatar dialogue is when Trump says goofy things. That is Donny talking through his human, Donald Trump. Yes, all those crazy off the scripted teleprompter dialogue is Donny winging it for late night comedy material. In fact, comedians like Seth Meyers and Steven Colbert often allow Donny to avatar dialogue with them for their Trump impressions. It has been hilarious.

Oh, yeah. I have task too, too many to list. 
One is to end the DEM wars, which I have done a lot of wok on. 
Another is to get the human race back on the path of DEM. Ah, that one is going slowly. 
Later all!

2024 July 24 -  added comedians
2024 August 18 - grammar and link