"Either the car or the bomb will be deactivated by us." Golem bomb squad
The chipper that would not start. |
The neighbors next door borrowed the gas chipper and cannot get it started. The
avatar of the day joined them. After an hour, neither of the them pulled the the engine to start. They both
hauled the chipper back to the lower garage between the houses. I came back to my body and told the neighbor to leave it outside for me to try. I started the chipper on the first
the record, an avatar finger short circuited the life line of the
electric spark plug. No matter what we did, it does not start. The
avatar who stopped the engine was not a part of the house. This act was
done to stop the chipper from working.
In the record, this is the exact practice that is done when the avatar of the day holds the cubicle light
off at work. To stop any engine with an electric switch, a golem would
only need to hold their finger on the spark plug cable, thus stopping
the life energy of the engine.
In the record, when I placed my hand on the hopper to hold the chipper while I pulled the cord, the entire chipper was now owned by me. I was the only one that could touch the chipper. The hindering avatar had to pull his hand out because of the shock of my energy owning the machine. Finally, I can use the stand on the golem express because I will now own it.
In the record, any and all training is available for the general public. It's important to be transparent on everything.
Fire sprite, 10x large |
When the chipping was done, I left my body. I asked the avatar of the day to stop the chipper and try and start it. They pulled the cord and it started up right away. In the record, the disruptive avatar tried to short circuit the engine again, but failed. The fire sprite inside the engine's combustion chamber was present due to the warmed up engine.
In the record, I have never thought about how fire worked. I guess, one needs to invoke the sprite to start a fire. What dimension fire comes from is for another post.
When I looked at the record, I switched places with the fire sprite and saw what it saw, the inside of the cylinder.
In the record, the future of the fire people is to sense what is on the other side and discern if they should allow them to be invoked. Yes, whether they should use their power. More on this later.
2018 September 10 - added switched places