Friday, December 23, 2016

Dragon Task: The Blob

The blob: "The one common element in recent weather has been oddness."

Quote: "By Jove, I think he's got it." Weather Guardian of the Northern Earth

It's Sunday, while I am stood in the kitchen, I had an epiphany. The Blob is the location of the Blue Dragon. I talked out loud, not knowing the White Dragon was in the room.

"I have you now!"
"He will sense you. I would not go"
"I want to be seen."

Once touched, always in touch applied even if it was an article. If I knew the location of the Blob on Earth, I had access to the other end in their world. For the reconnaissance, my soul with shoulder avatar left my body for the avatar of the day to tend.

Once in the new world, I found myself in a veil of yellow energy domes at the top of a cathedral. As I shimmied between the veils to stay hidden, I heard below men chant around a table. As planned, I was sensed by the being who controlled the events in their world. With the stage set, I came back to Earth to assemble the team to rescue Blue.

In the SF Chronicle 4/19/2015, the EarthWeek is where I found out about the Blob

In the record, I spent 5 months on White's request "about the weather". Finally in the SF Chronicle's Earthweek, I come across the first information regarding "the Blob". This sent me online to the NOAA article on the blob. To confirm, I sent my soul/shoulder avatar to the location and sense something was not right. Back on Earth, it was time to assembly the three horsemen to rescue the fourth.

2017 February 4 - changed body to soul, grammar, spelling, added four horsemen a.k.a. dragons
2024 May 3 - reposted pics, changed font

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Schism: Avatar Disease

Tevor Noah talk on the Breakfast Club Power Radio Show - 2016 December 7

Quote: "We are the human's guides...not the ones to be saved." schismed Avatar husband
"Don't be afraid to ask for help." Avatar wife

At 32:19 Tevor hits his microphone.
Before and after the microphone hit, Tevor's hands moved vertical to the mic. When he said, "...if you look at it (racism) as a disease..." his left hand was hit by someone's hand.

What happened? Who did it? And why?

In the record, Tevor has a male and female avatar on Venus who watch over him. The female avatar used avatar hands and avatar speak to guide Tevor through the interview. On Venus, the male objected to the reference of disease for racism at the 30:39 mark. When the female avatar mentioned racism as a disease again, he hit her hand on Venus which hit the mic on Earth.

The avatar world battles the disease of the schism. It darkens their being with patches of black and purple which hides their true radiant energy form. This disease affects humans in  their thoughts and actions. As mentioned in a previous post, the health and well being of the human is related to the health and well being of their avatar. 

It's hard to admit that you need help from humans, when you are the ones who guide the human race.

2017 January 31 - added labels 
2024 May 5 - change font, reposted pic

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Avatar operation: Ghost Ship Fire's Misdirect and Soul Save

Ghost Ship Ariel Phote from KGO TV

Quote: "I will sacrifice myself to save all from harm." Oakland City Avatar.

In my flat, I am sitting on my throne, a.k.a. my toilet, doing my duty, both of them. I sensed dozens of souls with shoulder avatars in the next room as I am filled on the fire's results.

In the record of the Ghost Ship fire, avatar hack, force thought, shield, guards and viewing bubbles were used to misdirect and save all the souls and shoulder avatars, except one. 

Avatar hack: Wrong address
Below is an excerpt from SF Gate: 

The map on the Facebook event page marked the site on 31st Street instead of 31st Avenue, sending the friends to the wrong place.
“There’s a bunch of people who didn’t show,” he said. “There could have been a lot more casualties.” 

In the record on Facebook, the event was book for 600 people to show. Hundreds of folks did not find the correct address. Having a map go to a wrong address was an easy hack for avatars who see the green lines of the map program. The Google Map avatar coordinated the misdirect with each human's avatar. The human's avatar used force thought to ensure their human stayed confused, never making it to the event.

Avatar shield: Save them all
The goal was to protect the souls and retain the shoulder avatars, the spirit of the soul. The Oakland City avatar coordinated the octahedron shield around the ghost ship building to ensure no souls were taken by the dark ones. At the top, was the Oakland City avatar. The four corners were water and fire golems with a forest golem at the bottom. Inside the shield, Sun energy encased the Ghost ship. Additional Sun guards were stationed inside the burning build to stop any dark souls or avatars who penetrated the shield.

Venusian viewing bubbles: Feel the burn
The avatars on Venus had to take the hit for the humans who were to died in the fire. Through viewing bubbles, the Venusian avatar had the human's shoulder avatar superimpose themselves over the human to take the pain of the death of suffocation or burning.

One Venusian, decided to not endure the pain of death and let their shoulder avatar loose. The loose avatar became a wandering spirit, who escaped the shield.  A pair of dark avatars immediately took their prey. Both the Venusian avatar and soul now have to track down the spirit to reunite them to the soul.

Overall, the operation was an excellent success. Well done.
Updated: 2018 January 15 - Added soul's spirit = shoulder avatar, grammar

Sunday, December 4, 2016

2016 November - Dragon Diary

It is a diary of my daily experiences. If an event is important, it will have its own post... 

Quote: "Yeah, I created another trainer in Pokemon Go." Ibol2401

30th - Driving home from work, I pass a geese avatar who switched places with the my shoulder avatar to go to the house. Part of the new avatar training is to take on the responsibilities of an animal avatar.

26th - Old Town Sacramento - A red hair man in a blue beater car held a light cigarette and a smart phone in one hand and asked if I was lost. He said that I seemed to be wondering back and forth all over the place. I guess if you did a high view of a me doing Pokemon Go, I would appear as a person who could not decide where I are going
In the record, the car is an avatar car. The man was the Green Dragon, while Blue on pedal duty. Both had human bodies. The amazing thing was the the cigarette was light. How, I do not know.
- While I was Pokemon hunting in Old Town Sacto, the cops were out looking for person of interest, which meant the dragons were out guarding me. Gwen and Ibol were a Hispanic couple. Red was a tall elderly male, while the White and Black dragons remained invisible.
Landscape map is possible.
 24th - Out on the Pokemon hunt, the game came up in landscape mode. I did nothing it just happened.
In the record, the avatar wanted to see how it looked and decided that it was not going to work for me.

23rd - I created Ibol2401 to transfer all the gym fighting Pokemon from the BlueDragon2401. The real Blue Dragon wants a favor before I do the transfers.
- Driving to UCSC to pickup my Ben for the holiday, a box man type entity entered our world and asked for the one who sacrificed everything. Ibol replied and I started to cry. The entity was on the scale of Box man, just huge. See the last picture for scaling.

22nd - I left work briefly to capture the two gyms within walking distance. After I captured and collected on the gyms, a bulbasaur appeared exactly where I was. I captured it and appraised a Pokemon with perfect stats.  Just then, a young boy with backpack passed me and spoke words that I did not understand.  "Well done. I hope you enjoy him." were his words spoken in Marsh Avatar language.

- I start a new Pokemon Go avatar, but this one is going to be me playing the game. David2401 is taken, so I decided to use Ibol2401, where Ibol is the name of my avatar. While in the shower, Ibol mentally requested a word with me tonight. In bed, the avatar of the day readied me to start the John Carter process. Ibol summoned me to my body. I looked up at her avatar form. She placed her breasts around my face, and said, "You won't drive with me will you?" I agreed to not use the Ibol2401 trainer and drive or I will suffer the consequences.

17th - A song came on and I start to cry. It hit Ibol straight to her being. She had given up her life to make me happy even if it meant her end, though the opposite happened.
16th - On my way home from work, three dragons were in the cross walks in front of my stopped car. The dragons were White, Green/Blue, and Black at Russell St, Oregon St. and Stuart, St..
At work, a person's computer was avatar hacked. I showed up and it suddenly worked correctly. I told them, "They have to behave when I am around."

13th - On the UCB campus doing Pokemon Go hunting with Jon, I almost fell down the stairs at Sproul Hall, but didn't. I did several quick steps as I quickly descended the stairs. At the bottom, having returned to my body, I asked Jon what my feet did because I have no clue what happened.
In the record, a dark soul held his hand out flat against the my left foot to stop it from stepping down. With my body tipped, I started to fall. Ibol avatar substituted in for the quick stepping to prevent the fall. I returned to my body at the bottom of the steps.
In the record, as I write the blog, I learned how to extract the dark soul out of a record and put him in the bag for a bath. I also conversed with Ibol and thanked her for saving me yet again.
I think they are after the Pokedex. I would have lived through the fall.

12th - I rode the bike from Berkeley to Treasure Island to check out the Pokemon hunting.  The hunt was mediocre. On the North side of the Island, my game locked up. I instantly knew that it's an avatar hack. The avatar hackers started a mental conversation with me. 

"What do you want?"
"Just to play the game."
"How do we know that."
"Look, I just want to play the game."
"Why should we let you?"
"I wouldn't do this."

There was no reply as a twenty branch timeline was drawn up with no catch. A shake or two and the catch materialized with dark souls on all the branches. In the bag they go for a bath.
The game restarted with easy. As I left the island, I made a final poke stop. Out came the Pokemon.  After I captured them all, I thanked the avatar for his help. Finally, a service oriented avatar who knew who was the customer.

Box Man scale to Humans: The scale of the one pulling the timeline versus the captured avatar/souls is a human to a plastic army man. The picture below is about the scale of a human to Box Man's hand. Yes, it is very big.

Human scale to Box Man's hand



2023 November 26 - changed font and intro