It is a diary of my daily experiences. If an event is important, it will have its own post...
Quote: "We promise to treat all females as persons...not to idolize them." Imp males.
3rd - The avatar of the day is out Pokemon hunting on the SF Bay Trail north of Point Isabel Park, with Ubol in shoulder avatar position. While hunting she encounter many tosses that should have landed the Pokemon but were rejected. For the next fifteen minutes the incense was light to attract Pokemon but no incense was activated.
In the record, The Marsh Mom of the area wanted to make it up to Ubol for the hard time by her people by activating the incense for Ubol's Pokemon avatar.
In the record, it is easy for nature avatar to see the life lines of a program to turn things on and off. This makes sense because they are constantly working on a biological level of the nature processes of their area.
Tiffany Haddish is interviewed by Tevor Noah |
8th - While watching Comedy Central, I noticed that Tiffany is not who she seems to be.
In the record, I have known for some time that Tevor tended to have a female avatar, but Tiffany's male avatar jumped out at me.
The screw was held by magic. Golem finger was used to extend the magnetic energy of the bit holder to the screw. |
12th - The avatar of the day, a golem, had problems with screws sticking to the end of the magnetic driver tips. The screws came off only with great effort.
In the record, it was suggested to the golem females that it would be the perfect prank to have the screws held on solid. The magnetic energy is purple in nature. The golem only had to put their finger on the tip on the screw and have the energy extend from the magnet to their finger which encompass the screw.
In the record, the imp boys snuck back into the flat in female bodies. They were determined to be a part of the bevy of females who reside here. Little did they know we knew they were back. But being in a female body and seeing how they felt and dealing with emotions...aye backfired on them. They were miserable with the truth, but coping.
13th - The local massage therapist is working on my knees due to their stiffness. He digs in with his elbow as I take deep breathes to survive. After he is done he asked me to stand up and look in the mirror to see the difference.
I remark, "When I look...I only see two legs.
He said, "Just two."
In the record, the therapist has rejoin my lower legs to my body. It is the oddest sensation as he draws green energy lines up my legs to rejoin my lower legs to my upper body, but 6 months later and they are like new again.
In the record, I swear, how can he not know who he is and I know who he is yet he talks as though he knows who he is. It's all very confusing.
- In a dream, I finally caught them in a lie. Now I have them. In the record, I know what it is, but have no ideal of what it is. Maybe I will look at it someday?
18th - The magnetic screw bonding was solved by placing the thumb and forefinger at the junction of the screw and driver tip.
In the record, placement of the two fingers pinches the energy from taking effect.
21st - While playing the One Night Wolf game and everyone had their eyes closed, a card was switched and no one understood why when we were all trying to unravel the changes.
In the record, I drew out the record and I am sitting at the table during the event. I see a red energy person lean over by me to switch the cards, though my eyes are closed.
In the record, it was another imp suggestion for the avatar of the day.
24th through the 27th - In Sacto for Xmas.
2018 January 15 - added eyes closed in wolf game
2023 November 26 - changed font and intro