"We, the golem race, desire to work with the human race to bring peace to the surface world. We are willing to work with those who will let us." Golem Queen
For both locations and the show, Nat Geo had Dr Burtsev interviewed and brought to both location. |
Dr. Bustsev was the point person for the show. He told the Nat Geo interviewer that the Almasty spook quickly, could hold you in place, and were telepathic. In the record, the golems had to slow down their speak, though it was still too quick for humans; used avatar hold; and did avatar talk.
The stream had dozen of Wiggle energy strings, which damage a golem hazmat suit. |
The Tashtagol event was a family which saw foot prints of a Almasty and followed them to the stream where it jumped across. In the record, the Mom's avatar used avatar speak through her human female to explain the stream crossing.
In the record, the golem hazmat suit is a shell with some type of hair on the outside. The hair is used to hold the green Earth energy, a.k.a. Leave energy, on the suit which reflects the Sun energy. The hair in this situation was bear hair which explains why they found bear hair. The golem race in Russia have permission from the bear clan to use their hair for their hazmat suits.
In the record, if the golem had not jumped the stream the Wiggle energy would have stripped portions of the Leave energy off the hazmat suit, which would leave the golem exposed to Sun energy damage.
The Russko-Ursky event had boys following tracks of an amasty to a lake. Looking through the reeds on the lake edge, they spot a almasty. Both saw each other and ran away.
In the record, the lake edge had snake like Wiggle energy one to two feet high at the boundary of the water to the land. The golem chose to go through the Wiggle energy without a hazmat suit. Once across the Wiggle snakes on the frozen lake, he put on the full hazmat suit.
In the record, a golem can move a mile a second. Putting a hazmat suit on in an instant would be possible.
In the record, the boy's avatars force-thought their human boys into believing that the almasty was hiding behind the reed to avoid explaining how a person can sudden appear out of nowhere.
In the record, the golem ran to escape the humans. Human can not be trusted. We are the only race on this planet that kill our own kind.
In the record, I have explained to the golem race why the human race is the way it is. They want to help the human race and if possible, join us topside.
2020 June 14 - grammar
2023 July 25 - change font, reposted pics