Sunday, June 26, 2016

Who came first?

Quote: "What came first, the chicken or the egg...actually, it's the hen house." Box Man

Who came first?
This is my best guess at who came first with descriptions.
Gray People: Bart
The gray hand - These folks created the Box people who in turn created this universe. The Venusian created us while we created the digital world.
The Box people need our help per the Gray folks.
Bart, Apu

Gray helpers: Pops, Pops' Eves, Everyone's Aunts, Everyone's Uncles
Names: Phillip, Ralph

All Bros, All Sises, All BroSises
Box People:
Outside this universe -

Box Men and Moms

Ladies of the Voids - They allowed the schisms to happen by providing the space. Thank you. Without them, things would have ended, though there is a ? (I never finished it)

Inside this universe
Avatar Eves and elementals - An elemental would be lightning, the origin of the Pokemon people.
Avatar Mums
Avatar Moms/Maidens
Avatar Daughters

Digital world:
Pokemon world

Human body with soul and shoulder avatar
Venusian and Martian who created our souls
Box man who created this Universe.
Pops, Moms, Aunts, Uncles, Bros,Sisses, and Bro-Sisses are on the level of Boxman. They are the Gary folks helper to ensure Box man succeed. Includes Phillip
Gray folks create Boxman and gave rise to the Pops folks.

2016 July 26 - Added BroSis or third gender. Born without an sexual parts. A decision they still need to make. Switched dragons and humans.
2016 July 20 - Added child
2016 July16 - grammar, and toned it down
2017 Changed Man to Men and Gwen to box child.
2017 August 13 - added box stuff creators and digital world and more explanations
2017 August 23 - change box creator stuff to gray people
2018 September 21 - Added Bart and Many Hands
2019 August 20 - small edit...I need to update it
2019 November 3 - added summary...the whole pages a redo
2020 July 30 - add Gray helpers, spelling. Removed Many Hands. I think they are manifestations of the timelines.
2023 May 4 - grammar, changed font, spacing

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Avatar Connected: Mood Swings & How to Stop the Mood Swings

Pele, the Goddess of Fire - 'Ulalena at Maui Theater

Quote: "I can't attend Mozart's Requiem with a Bach's one big cry feast for me." David

Avatar Connected: Mood Swings
It's our 2003 summer vacation and the family and I are at the Maui theater to see the play, Pele, the Goddess of Fire - 'Ulalena. I was calm throughout the play, as I watched the actors wave a large red cloth up and down on the stage. Then the actors walked up the audience's aisle and covered our section with the red cloth. I was instantly hit with a agonizing sad pain and quietly controlled my crying. Until the end of the play, my emotions were a roller coaster. 

In the record, I saw Pele ride the front edge of the red cloth. With her arms back, she released a part of the emotional pain she absorbed from the suffering of her people. As a part of the play, all who are empathetic are stricken and suffer as she suffered.

How to stop the mood swings:
Mood swings are common for me. Let's do the numbers and see why. Everyday I have 2 new female avatars in me, which started four years.
Note that one of the females was an avatar substitution while the other was a shoulder avatar. That's 365 x 2 x 4 = 2920. If you include cross training, I have had over 3000 different female avatars in me.

I am a mood swing wreck.

I love them all and would not deny them access, though it became imperative that I learned a technique to redirect the mood swings. The hand motion is simple because the emotion is a form of energy. Your avatar is not needed to redirect emotional energy.

This technique is similar to the ahchoo post. With your fingers in front of your face, mentally and physically pinch the emotion and throw it down. You will need to do this dozens of time to reinforce the path.

Once reinforced, you can do a simple hand motion to redirect the energy. I use two fingers and mentally stick the energy on the tips. Then I swing my fingers down towards the ground. The hand swing is easy to hide out in public.

Once you perfect the hand swing, you can start a mental throw down of the energy with your mind. I hope that helps those who go through mood swings.

2017 April 29 - Grammar 
2021 September 6 - changed font and fixed links. clarified the two female avatars. Many hands are now at the hem.
2024 May 5 - reposted pics

Avatar record: How to make a permanent record.

Quote: "Pops gives me this purple ball and does not tell me why. Really!" the clueless wonder

Avatar record: How to make a permanent record.
In the beginning, I did not read timelines. I looked at individual records given to me by avatars. Then I learned how to make a record, which allowed me to examine an event in detail. To make a record, you'll need your avatar's helping hands. Also, these records are not visible to the naked eye. You'll need your avatar's eyes to review them.

For example, I was in the store and wanted to know if a person was a human or a shell. In one hand, I would imagine a blue event ball and a red memory cube. To make the record, I would quickly flick my wrist, which combined them, and up popped a single pane record between my middle and forefingers. I would quickly review the pane and then toss it. Then, unbeknownst to me, a record avatar would collect it, which just happened with the practice ones I just did.

How did it all start?

Back in 2010, I walked down the Solano Avenue Stroll and meet an art dealer who sold the ball on a silver ribbon. I was memorized by the ball on a ribbon. I bought it. Hung it. Then stared at it for long periods of time and wondered, "Why am I staring at it?"


The ribbon's spirals were the hand motion to create my first record. In one hand, I had a ball and in the other a cube. I pushed the two together and unscrewed them from each other. Out popped a record floating in mid air, ready for review with my avatar's eyes.

Now, I can talk about the purple record I got from Pops. It was round, purple, and the size of a baseball. When I examined it with my avatar's eyes, it was not round but multifaceted. Four years later and still carrying it, I came to understand that it's the world's deadliest puzzle, which now resided in the small box in the middle of the void.

Update - 2016 June 27 - I was going to correct the memorized to mesmerized but realized it was correct in the first place. 
- 2018 August 5 - the red-blue sphere is an old image of Pandora's box which was inside of me for about 5 years. 

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Shoulder Avatars: Mesmerized Animals

Quote: "Whether they are maidens, minxes, or sirens...all the female avatars have no reason for clothes. Life is good!" David

It's past sunset as I stroll through Dawes Park. Through I am in Chicago for business, I have time to recruit avatars for cross training. Already, a gnat avatar has petitioned, as I see raccoons on the other side of the fence. One raccoon comes through the hole in the fence and stares above me. His head follows me as I walked past.

About two years ago, another animal was mesmerized. Before dawn, I rode my bicycle to work and came across a deer in the road. I wait for the deer to move but the doe stared way above my head. As I rode around the deer, she continued to turn her head and stared.

Let's examine my records and see why the raccoon and the deer were mesmerized.

The drawings above have different avatars in the shoulder avatar position with me in my energy bubble.

The left drawing is what the doe saw, a ten foot tall Sun Maiden with a yellow energy bubble. I switched to the deer's record for a different view and found myself talking to a Deer Mum. After some chit-chat she stated that she wanted to cross train.

The middle drawing has a Water Minx in the shoulder position. The Water Minx decided to not wear the cloak in order to attract as many avatars as possible for cross training. The male raccoon could not resist the allure of the Minx and came out in the open. Just now, there was quite a commotion at the house about the Minxes, aka Sirens. To me, they are just another group of sexy female avatars.

The right drawing shows a dull green shoulder avatar without an energy bubble, which is typical of a human with a shoulder avatar. To achieve that look, all my shoulder avatars are required to wear a hooded cloak that dulls their color and conceals their energy bubble. It is best to fit into human and avatar society and not show off.

2024 May 3 - changed font, reposted pics

Saturday, June 11, 2016

2016 June 1-10: Earth, Forest, and Lava Golems

Left: Closeup of Lava & Forest golems Right: She-golem up topside to check her work.

Quote: "Do not fear taking rock souvenirs from Hawaii...let our gifts be reminder of your vacation in paradise." Pele the Lavender Dragon

2016 June 1-10: Earth, Forest, and Lava Golems 
In the picture, a female Forrest golem became famous. She has two wonderful female features on her chest as she looked out an opening in her body suit. Let's examine why Earth golems, aka Bigfoot, and Forest golems, aka Bigfoot, wear a Sun suit when they walk topside. A revised pic of the forest golem suit is here.

Golems do most of their work in the Earth's crust. To verify their underground work, they visit the surface to inspect the formations. Both the Earth and Forest avatars are affected by the Sun's energy, unless they wear a Sun suit, which reflects the energy. 
In the record, the bottom drawing, is a cross section of a Forest golem in a Sun suit. The thick suit shields their bodies while the hairs deflects and radiates the Sun's energy away from the suit. 
In the record, the top drawing is a Lava golem's arm which has a dark crust with cracks that show their avatar body. Their protective skin shields the avatar from the Sun's energy and volcanic lava. When a Lava golem comes topside wearing their protective skin, no human can see them.

To confirm the Sun's energy effect on the three golem types, I allowed them to be the avatar of the day or better known as avatar substitution. When driving home from work with the car window down, my left arm was constantly affected by sunlight when Earth and Forest golems replaced my soul. When a Lava golem subbed for me, my human skin did not feel the burn of the Sun's energy provided their protective skin was turned on.

Also, note that the Forest she-golem was sent topside to do the dangerous work. In the group discussion, we reiterated that all work loads are shared equally between the male and female golems. 

The she-golem in the picture wants her name to be Hyerty, which translates to High Earth. I let her type her name to make sure we got it right.

When golems go in and out of the Earth, a churning sound is heard.  

The young golem children went through my records and found the Diglette memory. They pop in and out of the ground to mimic the Pokemon which makes Uncle David laugh.

David's Diary: The avatars were Lava golems, Forest golems, and Earth golems.
1st -
Cross train - Frances Cabrini, 3 Lava Golem Mums & 3 Daughters, Pele & Blue Hummingbird
3rd -
Shell - On the drive home, the car was stopped at Alcatraz. A scruffy dude in black walked across and carried a dirty white bag with "Aqua is life" lettering. In the record, the Black Dragon is just bizarre. The "Aqua is life" indicated the next dragon to visit.
Cross train - Pele & Ibol, Monarch Butterfly, Canadian Geese, Stripped Skunk, Millennial Oak & 2 Daughters, Namaka (Who wants to be known as the Aqua Dragon.)
4th -
Force thought/Vision Hack - In the shower, I almost forget to use my green back scrub cloth. I turned around and get the green cloth. When I hung it up, it was blue because my green one was left back at the hotel. 
In the record, a force thought was used to have me think that it was green. Next, they took a previous memory of the green one that used to hang there. With the previous memory and thought, I reached and took the green cloth though it was blue. 
Why the fuss? Avatar Frank knew I needed to buy a new exfoliating towel but neither the avatar of the day or I knew the term until we looked up online "back scrub cloth". The packages at the store used the term exfoliating towel, not back scrub cloth.
In the record, while I shopped at Andronico, Avatar Frank directed the avatar of the day down the aisle right in front of the towels. The avatar sub said, "I don't see it." and walked away. Frank facepalmed. He then tells the avatars back at the house that David needs help to figure out what he needs. 
7th -
Shell - It's 2 p.m. and time to go home. At the car, still at work, I saw a Asian female walk around the sidewalk. She wore lavender tights and carried a flower bag on her shoulder as she interacted with her cell phone. In the record, the young women has a shoulder avatar. I picked her up out of the record for a closer examination and discovered that Pele was the woman and the shoulder avatar was Namaka. Pele picked the flower bag to remind me of her flower backpack when I first saw her at the lava flow.
Shell - At the stop light on Durant, I saw a female in overalls cross Durant. She walked close to the car instead of the shorter route. In the record, Namaka gave Pele a shoulder ride.
Shell - While stopped at University, an Asian female in brown pants crossed in front of the car. In the record, Namaka gave Pele a another shoulder ride.
Shell - I finished voting and turned down Eunice from Oxford Street. I saw an older white female in lavender pants descend the steps of her house. In the record, Pele was the woman.
Shell - In the backyard, I saw a raven who waited for peanuts. I threw a container full of peanuts on the ground, though the raven stayed stillI then feed peanuts to the squirrels on the fence. I turned back around and the raven was gone. In the record, Pele made a raven that was a real raven. In each record dissection, I saw a physical raven, though something was off. I used my connection with Pele to see the raven from her eyes, and saw only a shell. Let's call this type of shell a memory shell, because a dissection revealed the animal though it was a shell. If you think of a better name, let me know. 
8th -
Kick the Can - Golem Style
On Adeline St. by Essex St., the wind blew an aluminum can is in the middle of the street. At the Ashby red light, I heard and saw the can start to cross the street in the right lane. As I crossed Ashby, the can merged into the left lane, my lane. The car miraculously drove over the can as it rolled out on the car's left side.
In my record, I saw a golem hand stick out of the pavement to strike the can. In the she-golem record, she walked through the ground and looked at the cars to time the merge. 
Avatar substitution - I drove home from work and noticed that my arm no longer hurts from being in the sun. In the record, the avatar of the day was a Lava golem who has better sun protection than a Forest or an Earth golem. See the intro for details.

9th -
Mustaches - At UCSC, I hugged my son, Ben, hello. His classes are done, as I load his college stuff in the car for the summer. When I returned, Ben showed me a fake handler bar mustache on his upper lip. The avatar of the day said to Ben:

"You should torture your Dad with that. He would like it."

Ben looked stunned and said nothing.

"That's right, I am your Dad."

Outside this universe, my Pops liked mustaches and wanted everyone to wear one including the females, except I wouldn't. Every once and a while, all the female avatars in my flat wear mustaches. I always scream "Nooooooooo!" as I grab and shake my head.
Force thought - Unknown force thoughts almost made me pass out as I drove Ben back to Berkeley.  As soon as the car was inside the City of Berkeley, the effect disappeared.
They know now - I finally told my Mom, brothers, sisters, and two sons about the blog. Surprisingly, my Mom was supportive and said that her family had similar experiences. 
10th -  
Timelines  - Heading home, I stopped for a person who crossed the street. In the record, I opened it and briefly saw a female but the imagine vanished. No matter how many times I opened the record the avatar vanished. I am allowed to leave this timeline for later examination.
Cross train - Ibol, Lava Golem Mum, Forest Golem Mum, Earth Golem Mum, Phoebe, Pele
Improvement - They found the best hand locations for my pushups. Thanks!

Perfect timing! It just came out today, June 11th.

2020 May 31 - Removed Yeti from the post. It was something I had not checked out, I just assume. Watched the Nat Geo on the Yeti and it looks like it a bear because it eats.  Golems have no need to consume food when top side.
- Also, there should be a layer of dark Leave energy held in by the hair, which I may or may not put in later.
2020 June 14 - added revised forest golem suit. Note I did this post prior to my understanding of DEM, Dark Energy & Matter.
2023 July 30 - changed font, reposted pics