Thursday, December 1, 2022

2022 November - Dragon Diary

It is a diary of my daily experiences. If an event is important, it will have its own post...

"Sometimes we have to wait months for David to figure it out." Wiggle Queen

Overall: I do lots of cross training with female avatars and do not list it all like I use to.

3rd - At the Intervoice conference, someone mentioned that their voice were mean to help you not get excited with their emotion.  In the record, it is a weird approach to having the voice being mean to their human. It can cause the reverse effect on the relationship. 

4th - Cross trained with Tiffany
  8th - I am in the bathtub about to take a shower. While standing outside of the water zone, I turn on overhead shower to cold water. I stick my hand in and I say, "This is really cold." I have been doing cold showers for sometime now, but this is cold. I stick my hand into the water which send a minor shiver all over my body. Once accumulated, I step in and get wet. Turn off the shower and soap up. Now to rinse. To get wet, I move the handle at 3 o'clock which is slightly warm.  For soap rinse off, the handle is at 5 o'clock which is outright cold tap water. Again, I stick my hands under the water and spread my fingers to push off the outer DEM layer to have skin to skin contact to rub off the soap. After the hands I do my arms and think why am I doing cold shower. It is time for the plunge. I step into the overhead shower water. I sense the water is really cold, but I am not feel cold. Again I feel a warm streak down my back. With spread fingers, I rub off the shampoo and soap off my body.  Turn off the water and feel refreshed.
In the record, I had not looked at the shiver or the warm streak.  I put my hand out as a Wiggle maiden places her hand on mine.
Shiver: While outside the water zone, I stick my hand into the cold water and get a slight shiver all over my body. In the record, I see my hand in the water and a hand of a Wiggle maiden on my hand. Through her fingers, thin strands for Wiggle energy wrap around my body. The strands fortify my outer DEM layer to shield against the cold. 
Warm streak: When I rinse off, I step into the really cold water and rinse off all the soap. When I turn around to rinse off my back a feel a streak of warm DEM down and up my back. In the record, the Wiggle maiden waits for me to turn around before she hops on my back. She flung her arms out and raised her head. A beam of silver Wiggle strands and my Gaia yellow intertwine and ascend upward through the DEM ocean and beyond. The cross training was quick and added to the Energy Bank of the House. 
- Cross train with golem queen and maiden 
- While still lying down, I finished cross training with the golem queen and maiden. As I start to drift asleep, I see myself outside a western bar. I walk through the doors and see stairs off to my left. I walk up and through the open door and I am greeted by Bart. I fall asleep and don't remember anything else. In the record, all DEM females want to know where males go after they cross train. There is extensive research by DEM female to find the source of the red elixir of life.

17th - How in the world am I supposed to do this? In the record, how is it that one person can change the course of the world, much less the solar system.

19th - I cross train with a dark female. In the record, as she lies in my bed, I use clairvoyance to view her different schisms: crow, succubus, screaming terror, vengeful death, dark dragon. After the sessions, I noticed that the captives at the house are gone. Ibol told me I just did a important cleansing of key person. As always, I had no clue who it was. 
In the record, the now cleansed Orange Many Hands female cleansed her associates and took them to continue her work.
In the record, little did I know that the Orange man was really a woman.

20th - When I go out to the store I run into Bart in a new body. In the record, he is still keeping track of me which is good.  
2022 December 8 - grammar 
2023 July 15 - reposted pics

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

2022 October - Dragon Diary

 It is a diary of my daily experiences. If an event is important, it will have its own post...

"We want to be with David, though he will need patience with us" Many Hands of the day.

Overall: I am aware that when I start to cry about the war against the human race it is someone I have yet not meet.

9th - Cross trained with Dahlia.
10th - Cross trained with Moon Queen, Princess, Maiden and Deborah.
11th - The "Many Hands of the day" asked my Older Bro for the salad spinner, but said, "spinning cauldron".  I quickly came back to my body and said, "Did I just say spinning cauldron?"
As I chucked to myself, I mentally heard an embarrassed female say "Shut up".
In the house, two mischief makers heard their phrase alarm go off. They turned to each other and said, "We need to go!"  They taught the Many Hands female to use the phrase "spinning cauldron" instead of salad spinner. As the mischief makers made a speedy exit, the Door talked to them.
"Where are you going?"
"We are stepping out."
"He will find you." 
"Not if we go to the Ends of Hell." as one of them pointed at the door, both running.
In the record, yes, I will find you, but this time it was too hilarious. The pic is from here.
In the record, the DEM immortal folks spend to much time playing jokes on each other and I am guilty of that. The my salad spinner pic is below.
In the record, I am constantly telling all the avatar students to be helpful, not harmful in their class lessons. Not being helpful will get you standing outside the house door just like in the anime NIchijou - My Ordinary Life.
15th - My Older Bro said, "Many hands make light work". In the record, he hinted that I can call upon all the previous Many Hands souls on this Earth and other locations. 
16th - Just finished watching news of the January 6th riot. I finally understood that the purpose of the riot was violence to stop the counting of ballots to invoke martial law.
The DC Dragon team spent a lot of time reading the future timeline records of the insurrectionists. The one timeline that seemed to change all other timelines was the two bombs in the nearby neighborhood. In order to have a less violent insurrection, the bombs need to be avatar hacked. In the record, two dog avatars used their avatar finger to stop the bombs from going off.  Also, some of the insurrectionists mysteriously lost their guns. Don't mess with the Golem Police and the White Dragon. 
2022 December 1 - grammar, added future and DC Dragon
2022 December 7 - corrected cauldron spelling 
2022 December 8 -  grammar 
2023 January 22 - added flying cauldron pic, spelling, you know when I think something is funny there is something wrong with the spelling or grammar. In the record, I am blind to it because of the emotion. 
2023 May 14 - replace flying cauldron pic with spinning, added door link
2023 July 15 - reposted pics

Sunday, November 13, 2022

How we got here? Index

"You really want me to say something here.  Maybe? We will see who lives the longest." Me trying to get the Dark One to do the intro quote. In the record, I could talk to him because I am in my Energy bank fortress.
 Intro: I am willing to let folks see me gradually piece together "How we got here?" and all the post that follow the index. Cue the Talking Heads. It will be done when the location is published.

I am watching the "The End is Nye" series. Then I hear Bill say, "We will also answer the question, Why is Earth so dam dangerous? Sometimes does it not seem like our planet is out to get us."

The link to the video is below in case it does not play. Remember to turn up the volume to listen because I taped it off the TV. Bill Nye video link

Now to unpack what I said in the video descriptions which was: "In the record, it is no coincidence that our planet is out to get us. I do not talk about it, though it is changing. The important thing to remember is that we attacked the Dark Energy & Matter, DEM, folks first. They are answering our attacks."
As mentioned above, the short answer is we attacked first, while the longer answer is complicated. 
Below is a list of events to unpack: 
- Why did a boxman go dark? a.k.a. dark one. In the record, a Gray folk goes corrupt from not tending the garden.
- Why did the dark one mislead the past Solar System King, a.k.a. Orange woman, to blow up her planet?
- No one dies, but schisms occur. Orange planet schism onto Mars.
- The Mars wars begin and the Great flood on Earth.
- Why our soul parents have emotion fallout shelters and human have shoulder avatars.
- Why did the dark one lie to the golem race to have them destroy the human race, a.k.a. DEM wars?
- If all of nature can see Dark Energy & Matter, DEM, how come the human race can not?
- Is the DEM ocean, a.k.a. the great flood, destroying the human race?
- Eden was lost to the human race, though we live in Eden
- Why we take hot showers?
- We lost DEM powers and rely on the 5%, mining and drilling.
- Why does all of Earth's DEM races view the human race as a death cult? a.k.a. the 5% undead.
- Is there a new solar system king? Why a flat structure of continuous improvement is best.
- How does the DEM war stop against the human race, a.k.a. ending the big lie?
- What are the human race reparations to the DEM races to stop the DEM war?
- All Dem races are thrown under the bus by the Dark One.

2022 December 19 - orange man change to orange female
2023 January 22 - I look at the list and start to cry. The Orange female is with me. In the record, the list makes sense but is missing details. 
2023 March 23 - added in the record about gardening
2023 September 24 - added bus

Sunday, November 6, 2022

2022 August - Dragon Diary

 It is a diary of my daily experiences. If an event is important, it will have its own post...

"It was hard to see David with another woman who was not me." Ibol

Overall:  Just working on the patio and learning to walk again. 

2nd - I look at a  pictures of younger adult me in the Hallsted calendar.  I whisper, "Who is that person?" The left picture has a sad smile compared to the happy smile on the right. 
I would come back to this unfinished post to just look at the sad picture wondering why Ibol was sad. A few days ago, I looked and saw a flat picture. I quickly surmise that she is blocking that timeline from me which she can do because she is me.
I placed my hand in front of me to open the locked timeline records. 
Ibol joined my hand knowing crying will come from reading the record.
On Earth, Susan is about to take a picture of me on the hike as I get ready to smile.
Back on Venus, in Ibol's emotional fallout cave, she does not want to do the smile.
"Why, why, why? I want to be there not here." Ibol quickly pushed through the shoulder avatar face and placed her smile over my smile.  In the record, Venusian were taught to join their human for the smile to make it extra special. I am glad she did the smile. It is good to know all aspect of the one you love. 
- In the record, sometimes you can see the avatar smile for a picture, like in the avatar smile blog post.
3rd - Walking back to the car from Home Depot, I noticed two females talking while their gray Great Dane dog pooped. It was etched in my mind the form the dog had to poop. In the record, Climb, Donna, and Terra, my support personnel, showed me a better way to get the poop out. 
24th - I stand in front of the step after just laying down.  I concentrate on my legs and see and feel the tug holding it to the Earth. I calmly raise my right hand and and do a flick motion with my thumb and forefinger. I hear a DEM pop. I lift my right leg up as though the drop foot never existed. In the record, I think I finally understand what the sports doctor said, "It just disappears."  The doctor was not talking about the physical baker's cyst, but the energy that holds down my right leg, the new right leg that created the baker's cyst.

31st - I am watching the "The End is Nye" series. Then I hear Bill say,
"We will also answer the question, Why is Earth so dam dangerous? Sometimes does it not seem like our planet is out to get us."
The link to the video is below in case it does not play. Remember to turn up the volume to listen because I taped it off the TV. Bill Nye video link
The short answer above is we attacked first, the longer answer is complicated. This will be its own post here. The link is the index of a multi-post explanation.
In the record, I know the major details and I have hinted throughout my blog what is happening. It's time to tell and wake up sleeping dogs.

2022 November 7 - added link to emotional fallout cave & grammar
2022 November 10 - add dog event
2022 November 13 - added DEM wars label
2023 July 15 - reposted pic

Thursday, November 3, 2022

2022 July - Dragon Diary

  It is a diary of my daily experiences. If an event is important, it will have its own post...

"If you needed, drink of my water for your health." Spring avatar
Overall: It is weird having drop foot in front of others. I guess I am suppose to get over being embarrassed? In the record, how is it possible to have temporary drop foot? You either have it or you don't. In the record, little did I know that I was being handicapped on purpose.
- I am able to put weight on my left foot.
- For sometime now, I no longer check the door is locked. The locked door makes a DEM sound of sizzling metal. In the record, simple machine have a DEM voice.
4th - In the support meeting, I pulled out a timeline of person who said they had an addiction.  As the person was fueling the addiction I pulled out the entity that was on his energy bubble. As I looked at it, it opened it mouth as though it was trying to grab on to me.
10th - Cross train with Maria.
11th - Cross train with Gaia.
18th -  I am on a different path with my walking. I need to reduce the panic I have with "drop foot". It seems to be working.  In the record, my panic allows others to enter into my space to stop me from walking.

21st - I meet that Lady in Green and did some cross training.  In the record, she is the avatar of the green shaft. In the record, she want to be known as the Spring avatar.
25th - I closed my website.  I was never going to do it. Instead I but he money into Cruchyroll to watch anime with the DEM kids.

2023 July 15 - reposted pic

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Newsletter 2022 October - Clairvoyant Reply

 "Remember who your readers are." News reporter avatar

There is this newsletter that our family and relatives do each month. The editor of the month asked several questions and folks reply back to the editor who puts it in a finished newsletter. I was trying to normalize my life by being open in the newsletter about my abilities. Perhaps that is too much for some of the readers. So I am giving those folks an option, the replies in the newsletter will be my per-clairvoyant versus in the blog will be my clairvoyant reply.  In the record, not everyone is interested in my insights of the world we live in.  
Below are my non-clairvoyant replies that made the newsletter: 
Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one? No, I have heard voices but they
seem far away.
Have you ever had a paranormal experience? Tell us about it. I have heard music in
my head. In fact, throughout my teenage years, I heard all sorts of music in my head.
It was like a DJ and I could call up any music I heard. To this day, I still hear music in
my head.
Another experience I had was when I was asleep at a friend's house. I was barely
awake looking into the closet. In the closet was a cluster of 3 empty hangers. While I
stared at it, I saw it flip 180 degrees on the rod back and forth, very rapidly. I had for-
gotten about it until now.
The other weird experience is deja vu. It is weird because you pause and think, I
know what this is. Why have I been here before? And you forget about it and move
on because how could you ever figure it out unless you were clairvoyant.
Have you ever seen a UFO or some flying object that you couldn’t explain? No.
Do you believe there is life out among the stars, intelligent or otherwise? Maybe. The
only thing that I can assume is that if I hear voices they just exist somewhere? As for
physical life, I don't think so. I was never a fan of Star Trek.
Below are my clairvoyant replies that are only here in my blog: 
Ah, I am a clairvoyant who sees Dark Energy and Matter, (DEM). Just a note, for the longest time I was looking for someone who was clairvoyant to verify my experiences. I finally came to the realization that I am one of the top clairvoyants on Earth. If I am, I need to own it. 

Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one? See the pic of Casper and his uncles. The closest thing that I have been able to figure out is that the ghosts are our shoulder avatars after we die.  Shoulder avatars are how our soul parents interact with us on Earth. See partial pic from my map of human soul development. Note that both the ghost and shoulder avatar have nothing below their waist. A good example of how a shoulder avatar interacts with a human would be the blog post on Dr. Rice of Bisbee, AZ. The only shoulder avatar I talked to was in the lady and wolf post.

Have you ever had a paranormal experience? Tell us about it. Read my blog. But here is the thing, all of nature sees DEM. I have scurried through other animal eyes and can see what they see, which includes DEM. The human race is part of nature. The question to ask is how did we get short changed on DEM vision? In the record, my clairvoyant life is the normal. My per-clairvoyant life was the abnormal.

Have you ever seen a UFO or some flying object that you couldn’t explain? No. But I did look at a timeline record of a UFO. The examination of the record is here.

Do you believe there is life out among the stars, intelligent or otherwise? It is most certain by doing the math. At the CERN site it says that 95% of the universe is Dark Energy and Matter, which makes physical matter only 5%. If the human race is part of the 5%, that would make DEM folks more numerous than the human race. In fact, the Earth is jam packed full of DEM beings and likewise the solar system. A local example of a DEM avatar would be the store avatar post. And there are our soul parents who are on another local planet.

Bonus Topics 
Busted myths: is there something you always believed to be true, but found out that it isn’t? Heaven, hell, and purgatory are a bust, run by avatars who need a new direction. The gods/goddesses and the creator/s are a bust, who are folks, like you and me, that have issues. And Eden, the mythical place of peace and tranquility is just the 5%. Mind you, I was not happy to find out about all of this. Seriously, are we in a Bizarro cartoon? But there is hope. I have been working with the DEM folks to make this Earth the Eden it should be. In the record, think of DEM, Dark Energy & Matter, as the blue print for physical matter. When you have it right, you pop on physical matter on to the DEM. 
Replies:  Why people don't see ghost or other paranormal stuff? 
For my clairvoyance, I use my avatar's eyes. Yes, I am not a natural clairvoyant. I need her eyes to see the DEM world. 
Also, the CERN project will never find DEM, because DEM interact with DEM.
The physical things we make are not imbued with DEM, therefore does not interact with DEM, the 95%.
For several years after I discovered DEM I finally asked the question, "Why has the human race not found DEM." 
Then I looked a timeline of my riding a bicycle to work. The bike goes right through the green layer of Green Leaf energy that sit on the ground.  I looked at a record of my driving a car in the work parking lot. Again, the car wheel drive right through the DEM on the ground. 
Here is a link to a presentation I did on DEM.
Think about it. Most of us believe we have a soul. Have you found it yet? 
Most of us would say no because the physical things we make do not interact with DEM...but we do.
We have DEM in us, on us, all around us.  
2022 October 20 - added replies
2022 October 30 - added non-clairvoyant replies 
2023 June 29 - reposted pic

Friday, September 30, 2022

2022 September - Dragon Diary

 It is a diary of my daily experiences. If an event is important, it will have its own post...

"Our lines are there for you to read." Mercury Library maidens.

Overall: The left hip and knees are healing, a.k.a. new DEM walk, but slowly.
6th - Mercury maidens came by for a visit. Back in April of 2012 we did a selfie timeline shot so I could do the pastel drawing. In the record, I had access to the timeline records of all the planets but never figured it out. This will help in doing the index.

8th - An earthquake hit China and humans died. I briefly look over to the golem king of the area and was given the finger. In the record, well at least it happened during the day.  When I looked I saw some of the king's followers have their head down in shame. It is interesting to see not every DEM being is on board to help the human race. 

11th - An earthquake hit Berkeley, small but packed a quick punch. In the record, it was a failed escape.
- My uncle said that he heard it before it hit. When I think about it, the earthquake did have a sound just prior to the shake. 

12th - I was asleep on the living room, when my DEM soul saw my DEM Uncle's soul come down to awake me. His movement was fast. In the record, I guess I am working on sensing is there is a DEM being approaching me in my sleep, a.k.a. sleep DEM sensing.

14th - I replied to a family newsletter question: Got any special method for keeping cool? Yes. Take cold showers instead of hot showers. It seems contrary until you take a clairvoyant look at hot showers which I wrote about in my blog. I will not get into the details, which you can read in my blog. The gist is that humans destroy the DEM, Dark Energy & Matter, layer on our body by taking hot showers. This layer adds both hot and cold resistances to our bodies. You all know I am right really do know...because when we were kids we wondered why our parents kept trying to protect us playing outside when we were just fine in both hot and cold weather. In short, when we were young we had an intact DEM layer on our bodies. The adults destroyed their DEM layer through chronic use of water heated by fire when taking a shower. The good news is that you can regain your DEM layer by gradually switching to cold showers. 
In the record, I am trying to be open about my abilities.
- Also from the newsletter:  Did you have to parallel park to get your first driver's license? I don't remember. I am not even sure which car it was I took the test in. Maybe it was the VW van? I seem to remember it was the van. I remember having an issue getting the van in reverse. I can see a person with a chart. So it was the van. I forget or I was not aware of it during the test.
In the record, it would seem that perhaps I was not the person taking the test. Ibol was definitely helping out. Thanks. 
22nd - not a single comment from any reader. Not one. I really do want to answer questions that you may have. I promise not to bite.  

23rd-25th - The DirecTV was avatar hacked. Pause did previous channel. Bottom preview bar popped up continuously. Fast forward and rewind worked for a second. Deleting the show at the end of view was not permitted. In the record, I should have recorded it but I was not sure what was happening.

 26th - DirecTV works just fine now.
- LOL. Pokemon Go was avatar hacked.  See above pics. 
2023 July 15 - reposted pics

Thursday, September 22, 2022

What make a human person unique... it is their DEM soul.

"We cherish our human babies as though they were our own." Soul Parent Council
 Above pic is from MSNBC

The pro-life vs pro-choice debate.

 This is a post about the abortion argument, pro-life vs pro-choice debate.  
To understand the argument, folks need to know when does a soul enter into a person and what is a soul made of.

What is a human soul made of?
From my clairvoyance, the soul is made of Dark Energy & Matter, DEM. It would also answer the question why folks have yet to find their soul because we have yet to find DEM. For a human soul, the combination of DEM soul in a physical body makes a person unique inside this universe, forever immortal.
When does a soul enter the physical body?
The answer is at birth as mentioned in the human soul development post. No two soul can exist in the same physical body at once. The proof I submit is avatar substitution.  Unless you are in your human body, one cannot remember any timeline event. One can always look it up in the Mercury Library if you need to know of the event. Also, a soul parent can influence the fetal development, but can not enter the fetus.

What does this mean? 
Until a baby is born, there is no soul in the unborn baby in the mother's womb. 
At birth, the remnant is channeled into the baby by the soul parents via the birthing mother. 
Until the remnant rises up at adulthood, the human soul is not complete. 
Let me say that again...
Until the remnant rises up at adulthood to become our shoulder avatar, the human soul is not complete. 
This would also explain why most of us do not remember our childhood because the soul parent's remnant was in our human body helping us grow up to be an adult human. 
Again review the human soul development chart.

What makes a human person is their DEM soul.

2022 September24 - added shoulder avatar
2023 July 15 - reposted pics

Thursday, September 15, 2022

2022 June - Dragon Diary

 It is a diary of my daily experiences. If an event is important, it will have its own post...

"David needs to learn to walk with his new pair of DEM shoes." Gravity Avatar

Overall: I am learning that anything I touch I become part of that gravity system. If I reach out and touch the wall my body's gravity changes, which I can feel. It is the reason I do not use a cane or any other walking device. I will admit that sweeping with a broom helps create a DEM stilt to walk provided that I do not use the broom as a crane.

 3rd - This may sound weird but my navel stone finally fell out. For all of my 62 years of my life I always had a small crusted scab in my belly button. It was small, like a corn chip flake. It just fell out. I remember trying to take it out but I would realize that it attached to me and would be painful to pull off. In the record, a clairvoyant look at both the physical and DEM show that the small opening into me when the stone was in, both physical and DEM, are now sealed.

Walking a rail - close versus far
4th - The golem shaft wrapped with a strand of my Wiggle energy was embedded in my lower right leg. I need to make DEM slits to walk.  I draw up the DEM of all the various substrates below my feet. I hear water from the gravel and I see the land of the linoleum. I try to take a right step and can not move my foot. I re-surge the DEM and see the DEM avatar rise up. I look down at my right foot and step and my foot drops hard which caused pain. I stand up straight and look at the destination I need to go. I lift my foot and I an move it more than before. I looked down and feel more pull on my leg. I look afar and feel the pressure go away. In the record, I guess that a timeline path can itself have a gravity pull. The further out the timeline path I looked at the... Okay, I was not aware that gravity was an avatar. They can assist you on your path, which would translate to an act of freewill? 
- Well, the example I was going to use was walking a rail. I remember when I was a kid, my dad told us kids that the secret of rail walking. If you look afar and you can wall the rail. If you look down at your feet and you will wobble. Why? The gravity avatar want us humans to succeed on my journey.  In the record, I can feel different pulls of gravity between the position of looking down at my feet and looking up seeing the timeline of my path.
 7th - On a different phase of my learning to walk, walk upright and straight.  In the record, I need to replace my existing walking timeline with a new walking timeline, a.k.a. habit.

19th - I had another night where I wake up and need to pee. It had to concentrate on learning the new walk lesson when you really need to pee. I tend to fall back to the old walk timeline just to make it to the toilet.  In the record, I have to pee 3-4 times a night, which did not happen when I was a walking tree.

 20th - I am now a facilitator for a support group. I have to constantly curb my urge to correct everyone. It's a space for everyone to figure it out for themselves. In the record, I really want a group that is science orientated, but no one showed up so I cancelled it.

21st- Where was I asleep? In the garage? I was fast asleep and felt the weight of a animal on me. I can barely lift my arms from under the sheet to break the spell. I quickly open the record and insert my arm into the record to pull out a dog type DEM being with long teeth. After I pulled it out, Terra came and took it away.  In the record, weird gravity stuff has happening to stuff in the garage. Items that should be easy to lift became heavy.

22nd - The Afghanistan earthquake is not the golem's doing. Two things are odd about it. It happened at night, which the Golem race said that they would stop doing. Also it took out a village. It was like a harvest of souls imbued with fear. In the record, I still do not get it. What does a corrupt Box man want with dark souls?

 27th - It early morning and I am sound asleep. Gwen and Ibol motion me, my soul, to the avatar car to inspect something. While traveling in the car Gwen does a sharp right turn almost tipping the car over. I put my arm up to brace. Ibol is lunging at me with lips ready to kiss. I am thrown back in to my body still kissing Ibol. I can physically feel her nose against my nose and her lips against my lips. I wake up. In the record, years ago, we previous touched and there were consequence.  Ubol and Ibol are now united ending their schism. We can now touch but have habits that need to be changed. In the record, Kenisha was in my body to avoid any unwanted avatar substitution.

2022 September 30 - fix intro formatting error, clarified stone was in
2022 October 3 - changed intro. This change will be done for the other diary intros.
2023 July 15 - reposted pic

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

2022 May - Dragon Diary

 It is a diary of my daily experiences. If an event is important, it will have its own post...

"Look, you have to trick me to put it on. Otherwise I will not use it." Clueless Wonder talking to the student trickster who used thought form to help me.

Overall: Normally folks learn to walk when you are a baby. You crawl in the brown Earth matter collecting green Leaf energy. When you finally stand up, you become a walking tree. Yes, the human race are walking trees.

1st - I looked at my left foot and see a milk DEM. I look at my right foot and see nothing, though my leg has yellow Gaia energy.  I raise my right hand up to summon from the Earth yellow energy to make a stilt for my right foot to walk on. In the record, I need to learn how to walk again with Gaia and Milk DEM on my legs versus the brown Earth matter everyone uses. 
 - Milk DEM make a Moo DEM sound.

2nd - Well out shopping, I see Bart is observing how I am doing.  In the record, perhaps I need to try harder to fix my limping. In the record, I, Bart, wanted to see who was screwing with David.

15th - I use my cross country skiing pattern to help me walk again. In the record, even without poles your hands can pull up dark matter to act like a pole for support and walking. The pic is from here.

16th - Updated 2021 November - Dragon Diary  
- Last 3 days I watched the Terminator Dark Fate movie. In the movie they mention a "kill box" to trap and destroy the attacker.  
- I finished the December post and remarked that I knew who did the DEM worm stuff on me by the way the golem staff undid the line. I am done with the post. I grab the water on the desk and say out loud, "I have the water." I proceed down the two step and almost fell multiple times. Water is everywhere. In the record, the trap work. He is in it and that is all I get to look at it otherwise he will figure out how to get out. 
17th - It is amazing. It is as though I can walk again. In the record, I had no idea how much that DEM being was screwing with me. In the record, I am not really worried about what another human can do to me. Let's face it, they are only working with 5% of everything here. Whereas DEM being can use 95% of everything here.

19th - It is late at night and I need to pee yet again. My ability is not quite right. I had been given vision of stabbing my baker's cyst with the golem shaft but it still does not make sense. I insert the shaft with the wiggle strand into the back of my knee and let the rest of the shaft fuse with the back of my lower right leg. Once fused, it seem to sustain a DEM stilt for me to walk. In the record, there is more to it then I think.

27th - I am standing by the truck yet again wondering if my right feet will move. I fire up the golem shaft and feel the burn. I combine the moo DEM and twist the two together with strand of wiggle energy.  Immediate I walk. It worked. I can walk again. In the is like starting an engine. Little did I know the golem express I wanted was going to the golem walk.  Oh well...
2022 September 13 - Added out loud 
2022 October 3 -  changed the intro to fix iPhone formatting error
2022 November 13 - added trap labels
2023 July 15 - reposted pic

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

2022 April - Dragon Diary

 It is a diary of my daily experiences. If an event is important, it will have its own post... 

"David is now one of us." Mercury Maidens

 Overall: I delay looking at the marbles. I was overwhelmed with walking again.

5th - A squirrel lies on the stair rail as though she is waiting for me. In the record, a gray folk female waits for me to be done to have a visit with me.  If you use your avatar's eyes to look at the picture you will see a black hair female cross her hands under her chin looking back at you.

18th - We, Ben and I find 7 black marbles by the barn door dig. In the record, marbles. Why marbles again.
20th - Ben found 3 more black marbles by the barn door. In the record, now ten. I guess I should know what this is. In the record, it okay to look at them now because I got out of them what I needed.

 21st - While looking outside, Ben and I observe a young squirrel playing in the backyard. It is jumping around and looking as though it is playing with a person. In the record, the squirrel avatar was tending to her duties in raising the young squirrels. 

22nd - I walked backward as though I never had a hip issues. In the record, the physical gravity thread is attached to the foot at the closest point of contact. 

24th - After work, I look at my right hand and see five color marbles on my finger tips.  I turn it over and see five different marbles of a darker shade.  These are the exact same flames that were on the Mercury avatar's hand and foot I drew back in April of 2012. In the record, there is a lot to unpack in the pastel drawing which needs to be it's own post.  The one that jumps out at is the number 2 being the green DEM of Earth while the gray 2 is physical matter.


30th - Avatar dialogue by Sarah in her That's What She Said?//2020 Bloopers & Deleted Scenes are here at 2:59  and at 8:55. This is classic avatar dialogue where her avatar uses third person references. I looked at her site because she did a review of the Honda Ridgeline truck, but her blooper video is quite hilarious. I ended up buying the Honda truck to haul gravel for the patio project.

2022 September 7 - added pic of marbles and words
2022 September 22 - changed gravity to matter
2022 November 3 - redid the intro for Iphones
2022 November 5 - Sarah -n- Tuned subscribed to the Avatar of the day channel. Huh, thanks.
2023 July 15 - reposted pics

2022 February & March - Dragon Diary

 It is a diary of my daily experiences. If an event is important, it will have its own post... 

"The green energy bank maiden needed to see how it was done." Sacto Fig Tree avatar
February Overall: Still a cripple with two arthritic knees, left arthritic hip, right knee baker's cyst all of this causing drop foot on the right side. I did not write much for the next months because I am trying to figure out  how to walk again and heal myself a the same time.

5th - I took on the Fig tree energy. In the record, she is in love with me. In the record, humanity has an individualized concept of love for another. Love is not something you buy on the store shelf and when it is gone there is no more. One can be in love with many persons, though that would be a hard concept for the current human society.  
7th - Ibol became me. I could feel the presence of her horns and tail. In the record, she is no longer a blonde and I am good with a united Ibol and Ubol. No more schism with my avatar.

"David still has a lot of work to do, but he is advancing." Sport therapy avatar
March Overall: Fixing my  hip and knees seems overwhelming, but I need to try. 
- My big issue is breaking the cycle of limping. It gets embedded on you, then you need to reset it again.
 18th - I tell them I am ready whether or not that I am ready. Why won't the golem race take over the security of the physical world?
21st - Updated post: Dark Energy & Matter Discussion, Monday at 10:30 a.m. PST I had issue with other joining. No one was attending besides a physics who doubted everything, which I am okay with but I need a break from it.  I am not sure how to get the word out without looking like a mad man. I need to make a DEM engine. I have no clue how to do it, though I remember seeing a functioning engine which means that I could make it? In the record, what is weirder is having voice hearers reject me just because I don't fit their trauma scenario. 

28th - While at a support group meeting I did a doodle by accident, so i thought. In the record, soon I used the golem shaft to clean off the DEM worm trail on my hip joint area and use it to walk again.

2022 September 7 - added doodle and words
2022 November 3 - redid the intro for Iphones
2023 July 15 - reposted pic