Wednesday, October 2, 2024

To Skedoddle - To open a Zoom meeting and leave without knowing why

 "Thank you David." BAHVN avatar
Word meaning for Skedaddle

I ate lunch and thought that I was suppose to be somewhere today. 
I finished drinking the milk and eating the chocolates and checked my calendar to see what appointment I am missing and found nothing.
On the desktop computer, I played TM with bro Mike from 3:30 to 5ish. 
After playing, I laid down on the bed to rest my butt and back from sitting and fell asleep.
Half asleep, I sat up in the bed and moved to the desk. 
I saw on the desktop computer that it was exactly 6 p.m. 
I opened the Iphone and immediately opened on the Wednesday Zoom support group meeting. 
As I continued to admit folks to the meeting, an attendee asked a question.
"Are you in charge?"
"Ah, I don't know. Maybe? Just give me a minute."
I opened my desktop computer and entered the meeting. 
On the Iphone, I make the desktop me host and shut off the Iphone. 
Still confused I said, "Where are the facilitators?"
Then I said the name of someone I knew in the meeting as I admitted more folks to the support group meeting. 
I saw the name of someone who I thought was a facilitator and asked if they were and they said yes. 
Then the other facilitator arrived. 
They explained the reason they were late was because they had issues opening the meeting. 
I explained why I open the meeting.
"I just woke up from a nap and immediately opened the meeting. Oh I see, you're a host. Well, I'll be skedoddling."
I left the meeting. 
It just another day in my life as the Clueless Wonder.  
In the record, I finally meet the avatar of the BAHVN.
She asked a favor for me to open the meeting. 
Who am I to say no to a lovely female avatar. 
In the record, the BAHVN avatar wanted me to open the meeting due to the late entry of the facilitators. I told her that I will not remember it since I am not in my body for our conversation. I told her to just take over my body, a.k.a. avatar substitution, and do it yourself if you want to make sure it happened. The transition from avatar to David happened right before I spoke. 

2024 October 3 - added in the record avatar substitution, grammar

Sunday, September 29, 2024

2024 July - Dragon Diary


It is a diary of my daily experiences. If an event is important, it will have its own post...

"You will succeed on your own will power to walk among the air avatars." Solar System Queen.
Overall -  Still working on those DEM legs. It is a many step process on making simple DEM machines to allow me to walk and perhaps one day use DEM slits to walk in the air. 
Here is the blog post about percentages.

A dead relative is now an immortal soul without a physical body.

If that Satan was talking to you, you would be on the floor in pain from just hearing them.  For me, and evil person is one that has an energy that so contrary to yours. The act of listening to one will cause you throat chakra to be in pain and you will physically start coughing. 
 1st -  Posted on Hearing Voices Facebook about what percentage are you, talking to dead relatives, and voices, to me, are just folks with issues.

6th - This science article is interesting. The bug scientists are trying to figure out how it evolved as hairy. In the record, when I use clairvoyance I see a fuzzy black bug with sharp purple spikes that seem harmful to any animal that tied to eat it. 
In the record, animals have the DEM clairvoyance of their guide which would allow them to see the black purple spiked bug.

The trailer is here.

Above is a map of all the civilizations that collapsed.
Above is a short history of the collapse of the Bronze Age.
14th -  So I am watching the Ancient Armageddon show about the downfall of the Bronze Civilization. My first thought is, "The avatars of the world culled the human race yet again. "  The question is who organized it. 
In the record, I see a fuzzy black person walk up to a group of avatar requesting their help to save their world, the DEM world, from the advancement of the human race which is destroying the DEM world.
The the record, the corrupted Solar System Queen is now being directed by the rogue Boxman to do his bidding. The human race will go through several cullings, a.k.a. DEM Wars, until the queen is freed.
In the record, she is now free.
17th - While asleep, my soul is sitting in a boat with others in their boat of the same shape and size. Each boat can only hold one person. When I look down inside I see a peddle system to would seem to power the boat by using the wiggle energy in the water. I see others take off with speed in their boats. The nervous thought I have is, "Why am I in this boat?"  
In the record, it avatar boat training night. Clever Gwen and her team figure out how to us strands of Wiggle energy to fly a DEM boat across the water. 
Let's hope I figure it out one day.
25th -  Just letting the person know that they have the ability to distinguish with is real and what is AI.
27th - A visit from the Madam of Paris, the Mum of France and the Olympic Dragon. 

2024 October 3 - added DEM Wars

Friday, September 20, 2024

2023 December - 5% diary

It's a diary of my normal life, the 5%. Just posting my replies to the monthly newsletter questions between the family and cousins. Dragon comments are after, "in the record".

David --
First, how was your Thanksgiving? It was fun. We got to play games and talk to each other. They even let me crave the turkey. Anyone can carve it, but they all bail and make me do it.
Did you get your favorite dish? My favorite dish is the turkey mash dinner. That is when you cut everything up, put it together in a pile and mix it up. It is amazing the flavors that came crashing into your mouth with each bite. I learned the turkey mash dinner from watching how my Dad would eat turkey dinner. When I first saw it I told it was a carry over from eating in the army mess tent. But no. It is amazing. I highly recommend it. 

Did you go shopping on the internet? Yes I did for quarter turn ball shutoff valves. There are 28 shutoff valves inside the house as I mentioned in newsletter 175, but they cost $14 each. Shopping online I got them for $11 each. So I went online to see the difference in life expectancy of the ball versus  compression valve. I am expecting the ball valve to be metal on metal while the compression valve is rubber on metal. No! It turns out the ball valve is metal on a plastic liner, were one scratch on the liner and it will leak. Even though the ball valve has fewer parts, it may fail sooner than the compression
valve. All I know is that I have a house full of compression valves and half of them are failing. Sorry about the rabbit hole on valves.

Do you have a favorite month where all is calm and less hectic or do you like busy months instead? When I was young the summer months were how many jobs could I work for college money. When
I had a family, the Xmas month was fun to watch the boys open the gifts and play with them. The holiday months when we played games in Sacto were excellent. For my retirement month, I look
forward to peace and quiet, which is January. Too much rain to do projects and the fresh smell of water Earth are perfect for reflection.

Have you ever been Ice Skating or even tried it? Yes, I have and failed. Dec. 8th favorite cookie day. What is your favorite cookie and do you get it often or just do it on special occasions? Chocolate chip cookies. When we were young it was the uncooked batter on the blender and bowl. I miss those days of ignorance to enjoy the uncooked batter. Nowadays it is just chocolate. Trying to avoid that sugar
to avoid Type 2 diabetes. On this December 12 holiday, we celebrate a beautiful seasonal flower and John Poinsettia who brought them to the United States, the beautiful Poinsettia. Do you buy yourself a Poinsettia or just admire them? Poinsettiacare: Thanks for asking the question Mom. If I had to guess, room with central heating killed all the Poinsettia I knew. As the link says, "it must be kept away from draughts". If I was you Mom, put the Poinsettia in the corner of a room to avoid draughts.

Got any plans or travel plans for Christmas, or the month of December or for 2024? Just going to Sacto for Xmas. 
And as is your life going? I made a playlist for a friend's garden in North Carolina which is here:
I was impressed with the lights and sounds they did to set the mood.
Finished the side yard between 908-912 Shattuck. See pics below. The last of the three pics still have the forms in them. They were temporary to keep the planter soil and the Sandy Loam for the Dymondia separate. The fall pic has the forms gone and the dymondia planted. It came out quite nice with the fall Japanese maple leaves in between the plants.


I got to work on a whole new project, the flooded walkway between our 908 and 912 houses. So here is the story. I asked Lynn, Susan's sister, if I could jet her outside drainage to stop the minor flooding which slowly drains in the shared walkway. (By the way, it is my only walkway to the back of the
house.) She agreed and I made it worse. Now it is clogged and does not drain at all. See pics. It's a 100 year old drain that had handmade cement box drains with bell-and-spigot cast iron pipes. So I had to figure out how it worked and drew a map of what I thought was under the garage. I used the length of the jet hose I could put into the drains and the direction of the drain pipe in the box for the map. See map. It turns out that no one had cleaned it since the Wittstock moved into 908 Shattuck, for 50 years. If my map was correct, which it was, I had to break the 90 to completely flush out the drainage system because of the centralized drain box.
Ben and I dug out the 90 and found all sorts of old plumbing and made a trench for the upcoming flood. We jetted all three inlet pipes and one outlet pipe. Put gutter foam in the drain boxes in front of the inlet pipes to stop the big stuff from getting in. Replaced the 90 with a hose clamp 90. Extended the outlet pipe all the way to the apple tree at the very end of the property. Done.

Other minor projects were redoing the gap between the driveway and garage. See pic. Yes, the whole house is sliding down the hill. So far it is only a 1/2" so far.
• Added Perkgrout for custom drains around the deck (see before and
after pic), turnoff valve box, and side yard flagstone.
• I have plans to use Perkgrout for all sorts of custom drain
projects around the house. Yay for fast drainage!
• See street step Perkgrout test:
• Next project, time to finish the patio stairs that I stopped
doing a year ago. Wish me luck. Everyone stay safe.

2024 September - 5% diary

It's a diary of my normal life, the 5%. Just posting my replies to the monthly newsletter questions between the family and cousins. Dragon comments are after, "In the record".

Have you had a glorious day recently, one that you chose to make it a glorious day in spite of what happened. This will sound silly but it happened when I was playing GeoGuesser. Think about it. The world is the puzzle and you need to land your guess within a meter of the pic in the GeoGuesser for a perfect score. There are 5 guesses in a round. I nailed the first four at 0Km. I just need to get the last one. My template showed the guess was off the road. So do I pick on or off the road. I chose off the road and I was right. I stood up and screamed YES!.

Anton Wallen, the game designer, was a genius on how to use small clues to find a unique location. I spent many an hour in the outback of Australia, or on the rural roads of Japan, US, and Europe. One guess was in the backyard of someone's home on a Geo View which is a single point. Even though you could not go out and explore down a road, there was a Russian car with a license plate. With just the plate you could find the exact location. One guess was under the water in a school of fish.

I stopped playing because it got popular and the game was changed for speed, not perfection.

Below is the history of GeoGuesser and the documentation I did to get the perfect guess. I also tried to get the lowest score by using the antipodes of the Earth.

Make sure you click on the text for the sidebar to come up for the full explanation.

The history behind GeoGuesser:

How to get 0km on GeoGuesser:

Hints for GeoGuesser:

GeoGuesser almosts:

GeoGuesser Beta:

GeoGuesser Lowest Score:

What would you wish for in your life? I wish for an electric bike. Voila. I now own one. But not just any electric bike from Lectric from Phoenix. It is called the Lectric One bike. Video is here: . In fact, the folks who live in the new car free area in Tempe can get one for free. See the April 2024 newsletter regarding a car free society. I recommend you Phoenix folk to check it out and anyone else because it is free shipping to your home.


I also wish I had a bed frame for my horse hair mattress. Voila. I own several redwood 3x8 and 6x6 lumber from the lanai. See pic. In fact I used several timbers for the wheelbarrow ramp not knowing that it was redwood. The folks who built the lanai stained the wood a pink, because the redwood was several different red colors. I am busy looking at different designs for my new bed frame.

Are you cutting back on expenses to help with the budget?  Any helpful hints? The trash bill. When the local store started to recycle plastic warps, my trash fell to the size of a small bag once a month. See pics. So we have a 96 gallon green container for all wet trash/compost. This is what Berkeley does. A blue recycling bin for paper and containers, while the gray one is for trash. So what I do that I should not do. I put all the hard plastic in the blue bin because they have a sorting conveyor belt and they will pull off the plastic they can not recycle. But here is the thing. I remember being down at the recycling center and they had a huge pile of plastic wrap. Several weeks later it was gone. They are recycling the plastic wrap but not telling anyone. I put all the small scrap metal in the container bin because they recycle scrap metal at the site and will pull it off the belt and put it in the correct bin. My trash is only multi-layer metal plastic, you know chip bags and air tight seals on food containers. 

Did you ever have some old superstition?  If you did, what are they and how did you learn them? The only ones I can think of are from sport. For example, in little league baseball we wore stirrup socks over our white socks. To keep stirrup and sock tight you had to put on the pants, then take them off below your knees. Then you overlap the sock and stirrup over the pants, then pull up the pants. I would also double knot my shoes to make sure they did not come untied in the game. Well, I guess I did not have any superstitions, just practical means of ensuring success.

Also let’s not forget the favorite September holiday, Sept. 19. Talk like a Pirate. It has been a while since I talked like a pirate. It may happen on a game night. The most recent was in a DnD game. You have to love the voice acting in a  DnD game.
As always what is going on in your life. Projects and tools: 

 As always what is going on in your life. Projects, tools, and getting orders: The next project is the hardscaping of the East steps. See pic. The new tools are rip jigs, New Makita auger, New Makita Sander. I have two orders to talk about: AliExpress and  Home Depot. (FYI. A saw cross cut the width, A saw rip cut the length.)

The new hardscaping project is the East steps. See pic. It is just dirt now but we have to move cubic yards of dirt out and add cubic yards or gravel, base and flagstone. We are building a ramp on the stairs to use the electric wheelbarrow to move all of the material. Yay!

Ben and I built two rip jigs to cut the 6"x6" timbers in half and the 3"x12"x96" timbers for the border of the East steps. See pics. Yes, I know the ramps are redwood which is about $150 for a 10 foot timber, but hey I did not know that Lanai wood was redwood. We also built a rip jig for cutting the long timbers in half. See pic. To turn a 6x6 into a ramp, you cut at the middle point with the saw set at 26 degrees and you get the perfect 6x12 ramp. Watch here the Impact driver screw together the wheelbarrow ramp:

To secure the hardscape border timbers, we are going to use small concrete piers. I'll give more info on the details but check out the new auger we tested.

Here is the sad story about the sander. I used the money my Mom gave me to buy a new Makita cordless sander. Not any cordless sander but one that does quarter sheets and the Velcro sheets of sandpaper. So I go online and the new sander is only available from overseas. The US version is not ready yet. Mind you, I should be questioning this but I want the latest and greatest. I ordered the sander from AliExpress and for some reason, the purchase program came up with my address in Bakersfield. Yes, Bakersfield. Who knew there was a Shattuck street in Bakersfield? I quickly contact the seller and tell them to correct the city. They said they corrected it, but every invoice and tracking link still had Bakersfield. I contacted the seller again to remind him to change it, and they said all is good, but everything continues to say Bakersfield. Believe it or not, it does come to my address in Berkeley. So I open it and I am happy because the old sander vibrates more than the Makita one will. I go to the garage to try it out with my quarter sheets of 8.5x11 sandpaper and it is short.. See pic. You see, the metric equivalent of a 8.5x11 sheet of paper is an A4 sheet of paper which is 8.3"x11.7". Yes, 11.7" My new metric sander wants quarter sheets of A4 sandpaper. My English quarter sheet of paper are 0.35" short. I have a fix. I bought a new base plate and I will 45 bevel the base edges which should allow me to use my English quarter sandpaper sheets. Wish me luck.

Home Depot: I love the prices but you have to up your practice to shop there. I ordered a lot of parts for the East step hardscaping. Going to concrete strapping in a 6" pier to hold the borders instead of rebar or a metal stake. So I was going to put a dobie in the bottom of each hole to keep the metal in the pier 2" from the bottom. I placed the order online to pick up  the next day. Low and behold there were two boxes and a single sheet of dobies in my order. I am confused because they are trying to give me way too many dobies for my needs. Then I realized the person pulling the parts does not understand that a single dobie is a 2x2x2 inch block of concrete with wires to tie to the rebar to keep the rebar in the center of the pour. I told them to keep the boxes and I will be taking the sheet with the extra four dobies.


2024 August - 5% diary

It's a diary of my normal life, the 5%. Just posting my replies to the monthly newsletter questions between the family and cousins. Dragon comments are after, "in the record".

David–- How did you choose to watch the Olympics? I did NBC Sports and I recorded NBC and I still did not get to see all the sports. One would have to subscribe to Peacock to see it all. I was not interested in another subscription. 

- Likes and dislikes on the opening ceremony? At first I was confused about the opening, but once I let go of my linear thinking the opening was great. It was most excellent getting a tour of Paris.  To see more go to  “NBC sports Olympics 2024 opening ceremony

- What is the fastest sport you watch? Table tennis 100m sprint

- What was the craziest sport? Kayak cross. BMX racing. Carnage everywhere.

- What is the slowest sport you watch? Dinghy Sailing. It was slow. Very slow. The video was even speed up. 

- Which sport events had the most amazing back and forth between the two teams? Badminton

- What sport did you watch and could not figure out what was going on because of the camera angle? Skeet shooting. What are they shooting at? I finally saw the burst of the clay pigeon but I never saw the pigeon in flight. 

- What sport did you watch and wonder,."What is going on?" Handball. First off, the count up clock counts up. Who thought of that. And I guess you can not touch the inner half circle before you throw the ball, though you could see some player making contact before the throw. I still watched it. 

- Which event would you like to attend in person? Tennis does not interest me, but the match between Djokovic versus Alcaraz would have been amazing to watch in person. 

- What facts do you now know about the Olympics that you did not know? Well, I had no ideal that the Olympics is a hook up event.

Mental Floss,, is a great site for fast facts.  Here are some more: 

Why the U.S. won’t dip its flag at the Olympics Opening?

How does the Olympic flame stay lit?

Why do Olympic runners still wear paper bibs?

How much gold in in an Olympic gold medal?

Food inspired slang from the summer Olympics.
What are some of the odd things. Fan cosplay. Break dance Raygun


What did you think of the Olympic mascot? Freedom, a.k.a. Phryge. I love it. The Dems need a similar mascot. 

- What part of the Olympics did you watch that now you wish you had your time back? Platform Diving. Not much has changed. 

- What part made you cry? The opening ceremony where Celine Dion sang. Her struggles to get back to a singing career is amazing. 

- What sport did you watch that you thought you would ever watch? Break dancing. It was really good. 

- What sport was new to you? Handball, 3x3 basketball, Rugby 7

- Your opinion that Russia was not officially represented? I know they cheated. Rick is correct, I should not feel sorry for them.

- Likes and dislikes on the closing ceremony. I am still watching it, but I like it. Here is the Golden Voyager vid

- How does this Olympics compare to the others you have watched? Paris is the best

- What is the nastiest sport in the Olympics that you watched? Water polo. Vince is correct. I actually attended a UCB water polo event where the same fist hitting happened about 10 years ago. The sport needs to be cleaned up so it is safe. 

- If you had the abilities, which Olympic sport would you participate in? Kite sailing. I was mesmerized by the sport. I remember the best I could do on a race bike with a tail wind on the flat would be around 30 mph. But, the kiters are doing 30 mph on a hydroplane board flying across the water. It turns out that one of the best places for kite sailing is the Bay Area. 

Your opinion about the possible 1st female president. It’s about time. She is perfect. This elect will be about women’s rights.  If you are wondering who are the 4 females on the title page, they are other female president from other countries. You need to go to the Wiki link in the title for more info. 

And as always what is going on in your life: projects, trips, naps…  Smoking chicken, orchids are blooming, and I am doing Invisalign to straighten my teeth (because I can get a $2k deduction on it from insurance).  Yeah, I find the new death screen hilarious. And for some reason, I found a squirrel tail outside my door. I hung it on the wall outside. 





 Oh yeah, projects: 

Step brackets, Screeding steps, 

compacting steps. Here are three 

new videos of  project work: 

Shortening bolts for the steps.   

Compacting the gravel.  

 Jig cutting a 6x6 timber  
Project - cutting drilling steps, modifying brackets:  Why brackets? The timber need to be secured by something. I tried rebar but it just rust. I tried to stake the timber and it is a hit or miss. So we will bolt them together, but keep the cost down.   Lower cost means smaller brackets and hex bolts.  So cutting the steps was easy because of the timber jig Ben and I made.  I even figured out how to hook up the vacuum to the saw with an adapter reducer and clamps. Next we 45 degree bevel all corners for a no interference fit. 

Adding the rivnuts was easy because I learned that from work, though we had to vice up each bracket and hit it with a 15 lb sledge to square it up. 


Time for the fails…  I bought the auger drill bits to be able to drill all the way through because the spade bits are too short. What I did not understand was that the auger bit would drift inside the wood no matter what jig I built or how precise the hole alignment was. After many fails I finally started the hole with the spade bit followed by the auger bit. Success! The first four steps are a disaster with Ben and me doing all sorts of shims and redrill to get the brackets to align.  To finish the drilling we countersunk the bolts because the the 7” bolts were 3 times the cost of the 6” ones.  


Projects, install the steps: Three cubic yards, yes 3, of gravel and the steps were installed.  Once a step is install it is easy to install the rest of the steps. The plan is to take a step out when ever I want. I figured that the step was going to be the only thing to wear down. That is why I decided to bolt the steps in place. I was going to place fabric by the step to keep all the stuff in place. I hope it works.  Step steps: Gravel to 1” of top. Compact to 2” below. Add base and screed level to wall. Install step and side screws. Rubberize screws. Remove base and gravel. Add fabric. Add back gravel. Compact. Bury fabric under base. Repeat 7 more times.


Projects, step flagstone:  Well, you see the flagstone was quite dirty from sitting around outside for years. We rinsed all the flagstone to be installed. Thanks goodness it drys quickly. There are three piles of flagstone in the front, bits, small, and medium. 


Screed the largest stone to the step. Once level, level up all the surround stone to the main stone. PerkGrout time!Mix the grout with the minimum amount of water. Trowel in to the grout lines with little force. Smooth out with a sponge. Done!

