Saturday, December 28, 2024

On the dragon path: Eating food is for the 5%

"I am so glad he listened." Pops
Here is the set up. 
A year ago, I was at an Xmas dinner gathering. In the kitchen was Pops cutting up the turkey. He beckons me to come close. He said, "You know, you don't really need to eat." 
I reply back, "Okay", knowing that I will both thank and regret that knowledge. 
Fast forward 3 months, I register for the online Omada weight tracking program through my work. Of all the things that program offers, the WiFi scale is cool for keeping the history.  Over the next 9 months I loss 20 pound by simply not eating as much.
The chart is from here

I switch my diet to less mushy poops to lumps. 
I am so tired of having to wipe up the so called "normal" stools.

Come July of 2024, I come to realize what Pops said. 
I stop eating apples. 
I have come to realize that the only thing that I will be eating at the end is fruit from trees and vegetables from plants.
Why am I eating them now if that is the only thing I will be eating. 

In August, I signed up for Invisalign. I get thought messages that straight teeth would be good especially if I get a 1/3 of the money back for doing the program. 
Little did I know, the retainers in my mouth are a pain to take out all the time to eat.
On top of taking them out, I have to clean my teeth before I can put them back in.
I gradually reduce my food intake to one meal a day with a morning snack on project days.
My life has moved to the 95%, dragon DEM user, away from the 5%, a.k.a. a physical body.
Little did I know that food was not going to be necessary because I would be feeding on DEM energy.
What I noticed is that I am not hungry and I am losing weight.  
I am not thirsty either. 
I guess in the end, I will be eating an apple a day? Maybe? 
I don't know. 
Walking the DEM path changes you. 
I have yet to tell you folks about the gills that pop out from the path of cold showers. 
That will be it's own post.
See you on the DEM path

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