Monday, January 20, 2025

2025 January - 5% diary

It's a diary of my normal life, the 5%. Just posting my replies to the monthly newsletter questions between the family and cousins. Dragon comments are after, "In the record".
Is there a former wife of a president that you think did a great job and added to his administration by her  inspirational  ideas and projects?  Well I think Nancy Reagan did a great job in the end when hubby, Ronny, was out of it to be the Prez. See pic below and quote from here. I was looking forward to a first husband with "Doug" when Kamala became Prez. What a great name for a first husband! Doug. It just has a ring to it.

Did you do any New Year’s Resolutions or just ignore them? I guess to lose weight? I am down 20lbs going for the next 20 lbs. The way I have been doing it is by eating less and taking cold showers. And to have straight teeth? Doing the Invisalign. See pic below. The pink things on my AI teeth are glued on which help the different retainers move my teeth to the proper positions. The bar in the middle is the number of retainers I need to wear. At biweekly interval 17, I go to one bottom retainer. At retainer 20, the teeth movement is over. Below are the different color files they used to open up space between my teeth to allow movement. The engineering is detailed in the movement of teeth. Yeah, I took the pics when they were out of the room. Currently I am on retainer #10. 


Do you still watch local or national news? You bet. I view it as my duty as a citizen in this society to know what is going on. Mom, you still get the paper, don't you? Let us know. I watch local, national, MSNBC, BBC, and NHK (Japan). News. If folks in Sacto ever get Iphones you can get the local news through the Citizen App.  See pic below. I always record the news and then fast forward through stuff that I already saw in a different news program. 

There is a good app for wildfires here: Watch Duty app. It is an interactive map with more info on the sidebar. See pic below.

Do you still watch sports, which ones and do you have a favorite team? I follow individuals and highlight. Still on the Otani kick.

Other channels to watch:

Dean Doherty He is an amazing person to watch and fix tools. Just watch his shorts. He is so good at it.

SuperHerointraining He checks if the life hacks are real in a YouTube short.

Battery drop test. It seems to work.


My newest gripe is the constant need for businesses to want to know “How did I do?”  Feedback is important to help run your business. We try to get feedback from the support group attendees and discuss the reactions in the facilitator training meetings. Any business that has the motto of the customer is always first will strive to get feedback from the customer. With that said, if the feedback form goes over 2 minutes I just leave the online form.


How was your Christmas and New Year? Excellent and quiet. We played Can't Stop, Dominoes, and Yahtzee. Mike rolled a three throw Yahtzee. I rolled a one throw Yahtzee, which is amazing. The only other person I know who did a one throw was Aunt Helen when Mom, her and I were playing in Bisbee. I carved the turkey and made both a cranberry sauce and a saute green bean with chives and bacon for the meal. It was fun talking to Sandy and getting cooking tips from her. See pic and videos below from the Xmas in Sacto. 

Meera playing a lap harp

Meera Xmas gift

Mom opening her Xmas gift

Any special travel plans or projects for the Year? I plan to stay out of Arizona and any other state that can lock me up for being different. Here is the story.  Right now, I have a hearing voice friend, who is quite sane, and was locked up in a medical facility by his family in AZ. He was not violent, but anyone can have someone cuffed and put in a medical institution for no reason in AZ. When I last talked to him, he was wearing scrubs and had an ankle monitor in a dorm with a group phone. In California, you have to show harm to self or others before you get locked up, known as a 5150. The BAHVN group is contacting the State Attorney General of Arizona to get him out. (Yay for non-profits with connections.) The irony is that he left California to help his Mom in AZ who proceeded to get him locked up.

How is your life going so far in this new year? It's going like a project.

Stucco: When the house was built we ignored the outside, so the workers had to guess the interface of the land to the house. We know it now and it is time to fix it. Below is a pic of stucco line being drawn for a lower line and the move of a stucco line up by using the existing bottom sill. The hammer drill is our friend. Here is a short of Ben using the hammer drill: Stucco removal by Ben.

The other project is to waterproof the wood around the house. And it is perfect timing since the below neighbors clear the fence vegetation. See pic. Berkeley had the fire department go out and assess each property and give suggestions on how to fire harden your dwelling.
It looks like all the previous water proofing was wax base which means we will need to strip and redo the redwood seats by the fence. (See bench in pic by the fence line), house soffits and trim. This means I need a new tool, a cordless 18V Makita sprayer. See review here. Seriously, once you use a manual pump sprayer, and battery powered one is an excellent upgrade.

Everyone be safe and keep up with the news.

Below are interesting facts and web work humor


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