Friday, January 10, 2025

Manifestation of Future Events - Baker's Cyst

  "Where you tie it is where it stays." Teach
It's night time and my body is asleep, but I am in a DEM class.  I am disappointed that the teacher is not using a black board so I can take notes. At the end of the class, I go up to the teacher and she hands me her book. The book has color tabs on all sides and can be stretched to show more tabs. I thank her for the book and wake up in the human world. 
I need to know the title of the book. In bed, I put my right hand up and the teacher's hand joins my hand.  I fling my hand to the right and see the book. I can read the title, "Manifestation of Future Events" by and the author is blank. 
In the record, I look at the author's name again and I see the word "teach". I look under the word "teach" and see the author's name in a language that I have no clue what it is. 

In the record, I like to take care of my Baker's cyst before I do any air walking. I have this strange desire to be able to stand up straight instead of bent at the right knee.

In the record, I was using the events book to see the best way to get rid of my Baker's cyst.  After several failed attempts (click here one attempt), they finally gave me a clue. I even tried the galaxy hold with no success. In the record, I thought I had tied it was a positional reference, which is why I tried the galaxy hold. See the quote from the teach.
I was told to gently sweep my right hand over the cyst and pull out all the DEM synovial fluid in my hand as I sweep the cyst.  What I forget is that the physical body is mostly empty space. The majority of the space is made of DEM, Dark Energy & Matter. If I grab the DEM synovial fluid, it should come out. Also, when I press on the cyst, I should only take out that fluid that I am pressing on while leaving the rest. 
Wish me luck. 
2025 January 13 - grammar

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