"We see the numbers, but do not see any life in the numbers." Avatar of the day
1st - The cubicle light was on.
- I had other conversations with Bart, a.k.a. gray folk. It seemed that they are size of young teens. One of the changes Bart did in our universe was to add adulthood. In the record, this may explain why the older avatars are young teens also.
- Encinal joined me for a raid. She talked to me about her Daughter in Berkeley. In the record, I need to do more local raid in Berkeley. It's safer for me.
2nd - The cubicle light was off.
- Avatar hold on the food containers moved to a spoken word for release.
6th - This week's avatar were reluctant to tell me who they were. In their words, "He's not going to be happy when he finds out what we have been doing." The dolphins were just hanging out on Earth testing out what a physical body would be like. They are far more capable of doing more and want to help out. Thanks!
7th - The Dolphin were still trying to figure out golem hold, a.k.a. avatar hold.
- The cubicle light was back to being off.
10th - Lots of golem hold with the driver and screws.
- The plastic food container had a golem hold on it.
11th - The golem hold on the food container was time locked, which was the first time ever.
- At the TM playoff, the dolphin show a grasp of timeline plotting.
Numbers....very confusing to avatars |
In the record, an arbitrary number has no life of its own. It represent something at that moment in time. It had no life essence. Perhaps I am missing something here. I will get back to this later.
14th - Earthquake happened at the BAHVN meeting. In the record, a golem raid on dark souls was successful. The captured souls were transferred to the improved Clear Lake facility for reconditioning.
- I woke up in the middle of the night and felt the separation of my lower right leg. In the record, I need to get this fixed before I go on the Golem Express.
16th - The avatar of the day had the TM tank turret avatar hacked to constantly spin.
- At the massage therapy, my lower right leg had no sensation.
18th - The last therapy session took. I can now squat. He still need to work on my flexibility.
20th - Both Jason and I go to the circle for a Pokemon Go raid. We meet a female that agreed to give us a ride to the next raid. While in the car Jason introduced himself. I did not, but she called me David. Then I thought to myself, "How did she know my name?"
In the record, it confusing. To keep it short, she is not who Jason thinks. The person she said hi to her on the 2nd raid did not know her though she did. And her friend's son is a Gwen type person.
In the record, I sit at my desk and also enter the record to see who is who. There is no way anyone would know they were not human if you don't review the record.
In the record, I looked at her face closer. She kissed me and said, "I have to go." and left the record. It's Ibol in an avatar car that I sat in. Mind you, it felt like a Honda minivan with black leather seats.
22nd - I had a conversation with the a member of the Council of Well Being who reside on Mars, a.k.a. Mars physician. I mentally talked to him about not poking a needle in my eye to relieve the pressure on my brain. I asked, "Would it be possible to do something else less painful." Two days latter, I popped a blood pimple on the back of my thigh.
In the record, we, the council, the disease avatars, and me, had a conversation about influenza and various plagues that resided throughout the history of the Earth.
25th - 29th - The Mars dragon had a better approach to the avatar hold. Let the avatar of the day decide whether its worth doing.
- I had five different request from females who had some level of schism on them. I will look at them next month.
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