Saturday, May 6, 2017

David's History

Quote: "He was so could I resist." Ibol

In my entire history, I never sought medical attention for the voices or any other odd events.

When I was young I would...
- sing-song talk
- talk to my invisible friend

As a teen I would...
- have music playing in my head
- go on adventures on my own
- always be curious about the gender of everyone

When I was older I would...
- dialogue with myself
- just knew things
- still curious about gender

In 1991, I started to hear voices

In 2011, I started work with the voices. 

On April 10-11, 2017, I gave my first talk about my voice at Dominican University and got paid.
The talk introduced:
- a voice is unique and has a location
- your voice is surround your head, not inside
- 4 traits for voice identification
- watched three You Tube videos of voices using their human to talk
-  a voice using their human voice to talk out loud was okay versus talking to the human inside their head 
2024 May 3 - changed font, reposted pic

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