Thursday, November 14, 2024

My mission: Human Race on the DEM path

  "We have faith in you David." JC

I am at the checkout counter at the grocery store.
I see the Time mag of JC and "his miracles". 
I say to myself, "Those were not miracles, he's just an active DEM user." 
I take out the Iphone and take a pic.

So the miracle of walking on water was not phrase correctly. 
See this post for what he did which has the above pic. 
Earth Energy: Bicycle Riding
We human make stilts to ride a bicycle. 
See above pic and blog link. 
Once we, the human race, is on the DEM path, the so call miracles of JC will be mundane everyday events.  

Left - Avatar inserts face, forearms, and hands in bubble viewer.
Right - Hal's shoulder avatar imposed his face, forearms and hands on Dr. Rice, in blue.

See the pic above and link. 
His hands were shaking just prior to him stitching up the my Dad's cut. 
Then all of sudden, he does the perfect stitch up with perfectly still hands.
Once done, his hands go back to shaking. 
IT'S A MIRACLE! or is it just his shoulder avatar. 
The true irony is that folks in the room were given a calming emotion to allow the miracle to  happen. 

So, what is JC up to? Soul collection. 
See the above post for info. 

Have faith folks. 
Soon, we will be on the DEM path. 


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