Tread Mark Online Game: Dwarf tank and cruise missile |
Quote: Before you play, pray to avatar Ping...or your game may lag.
I am playing Tread Marks, an online multi-player game. My tank spawns and attaches the random weapon. I start to leave the point but hear a mental voice say,
"Stay, a cruise missile will come."
Low and behold, a cruise missile spawns as told. I quickly unload to pickup the one weapon that is impossible to dodge. I fire the self-seeking missile, load the next random weapon and head off to battle.
Ibol, her two friends, Ibol's avatar, and I look at the human record and the attached avatar timeline. In the record, I am sitting in front of the computer with Ibol's avatar coming out of my shoulders. The timeline shows Ibol and her friends in a distance viewing room watching the game play through her avatar's eyes. Her friend dares Ibol to predict the next weapon. Ibol views the game's timeline and sees the next random generated weapon is a cruise missile. She speaks through her avatar to tell me about the missile to complete the prediction.
In latter posts, I will explain how the avatars take control of the game. The game play seems impossible if it weren't for avatar timelines.
The goal of playing TM is to train the avatars, dragons, and golems on how timelines work. With the knowledge of timelines, a clear mind, and love in your heart, you help all in the timeline event. Seumas McNally, TM creator, runs the class.
2018 April 3 - look and feel, added goal, title
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