Friday, March 4, 2016

Avatar Energy Bank & Wave: The Close Game & Breathing Hiccups

  Steph Curry 32 foot shoot

Quote: "Cowabunga! Cheah, my gun 'n I carved da wave train mamas to da Yolo Bypass."

Down to the wire in overtime, Steph Curry makes a 32 foot shot. Everyone in the Oakland Sports Arena stands and screams as a surge of energy shoots skyward. Two hundred feet above the arena, a water avatar quickly spins to gather all the yellow-red energy. Pop, she disappears and another pops in her place. Pop, she is just outside the Lake Merritt avatar energy bank. Quickly in and out, she deposit the arena energy. At Diablo's height, the Lake Mum draws water and sun energies from the Earth and combines it with the deposited energies. When full, she spins and flings a wave of energy across the land and water.

Left to right, then bottom: Blue avatar collects arena energy. She pops out and he pops in. She deposits energies into the bank. Cross section of Lake Merritt Mum gathers then sends a wave of energy out. 

What effect happens when you are hit by an energy wave?
It's Monday, I am at the private screening of Healing Voices in the Elmwood theater. Around every three minutes, I have a breathing hiccup which starts to embarrass me. I concentrate on deep breathes, but I still get a minor effect. My shoulder avatar sees the wave and increase my breathe volume before it hits. It's like being in the ocean, you take a deep breathe right before the wave washes over you.

Update - 2017 November 9 fixed video link, changed font and size
2018 November 2 - replace photo for video  
2024 May 5 - change font, reposted pics

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