Monday, March 15, 2021

Ibol Story Arc 5: Gaia Form

Ibol Story Arc Table of Contents

Gaia Form: Pet Dog Happy 

Another way your voice can track your progress is to be the family pet. Our dog, Happy, was a great family pet that we allowed inside and outside of the two story house. He sat on the landing of the stair to oversee the downstairs and protected me against intruders wanting upstairs. But I never understood why a voice took on a dog form. As I raised my hand, the Lord of Flames placed her hand on mine. We opened the scroll of her lesson, Gaia Form.

In the Lord of Flames’ record, I saw Her in an open school ground about to speak.

“Come around children. Today, we will review how to take on a Gaia form to render aid to your remnant. We all know that the Earth is a dangerous place. It is best that we help wherever possible. One way is to become their pet to render aid as their soul develops.”
“Who would like to give it a try?”

Many of the young Venusians raised their hands. She eyed Ibol who had not raised her hand.

“Ibol, your hand is not raised. Do you not want to protect your remnant?”
“Will it hurt if I am his pet?”
“Yes, you can be injured. In the end, your pet will die, but you can pull out before the body stops working.”

She crouched down to speak face to face.

“There is great joy in being a pet. Please, give me your bubble so I may look.”

Ibol took out her snow globe bubble and handed it to the school’s headmaster.

“You are in luck. They will pick a pet soon from another human clan.”

She handed the globe back.

“What name do you want your pet to be?”

Ibol just stared. Names were something humans do. DEM beings knew each other’s energy pattern.

“Let us try the name Happy. You look like you need some cheering up.”

The headmaster stood up to attend to the other students. Ibol’s friends, Kenisha and Gwen, wanted to see Ibol's future pet.

“I want to see the pet. Give me that.”
“Oh, he is so cute. You have to do this.”

“I...I don’t know.”
“Well, the headmistress did say it would help protect him. You seem very devoted to him. I would do it if I was you.”
“I tell you what. If you get lonely I will come and join you.”

And guess what, while we still had our dog, Happy, a new dog appeared on our doorstep, which we named Maybe. 
2021 June 8 - The children do not wear clothes. So where did Ibol take out her globe? In the record, Ibol was a cow maiden, and had breast even as a child, which made her different than the others. To hide her difference, she wore a smock. I remember thinking back in Corona, as a kid, that the Katy No-Pocket book was an excellent ideal. Yep, Ibol had pockets on the smock inside to hold stuff to give her a flat look.

2023 June 9 - reposted pics

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